George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #45

Happy Thanksgiving to all us Canadians out there :)
And happy Columbus Day to those of us in the U.S.

Now we start season 11 with Shock Waves. Since I have 182 caps, this is part 1.
Brass telling he that the family wants him to leave :(
breaks down at this SUV :(
listening in from the car
spots something suspicious
Kaboom! :eek:
poor Nicky :drool:
so cute when hurt and confuzzled :adore:
best suit's gone but he still wants to help
shoulder's still a little sore
sharing with the bomb expert
frustration back at the lab
Catherine points out that he needs help

On to part 2...


I can't resist adding a couple to this! One of the best Nick scenes ever, both in content and in looks. :drool: :adore:

I still maintain that this was just about the saddest thing I've ever seen. :( Breaks my little heart every time. :(