George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #45

Coup de Gras--I love that they still make Greg do the running pic.they must have a great cleaning crew,look at that shine on the table. :-D
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Haven't been here in awhile so are there no more challenges?

at the moment no. blackflag and I seem to be the only ones posting regularly so we are doing a recap of the seasons. We can certainly start a theme up at any time but it was getting boring with just the two of us.
Haven't been here in awhile so are there no more challenges?
If anyone wants to play we can start them up pretty easily. But at the moment, with only 2 of us posting pics with any regularity it got kinda boring pretty fast. Jacquie posted some pics from Pilot then I did Cool Change and we've been doing it ever since (with a little help from Smokey & NickyFan during certain seasons/episodes). :thumbsup: I was a little suprised we made it all the way to early season 10 before season 13 started. :lol:

On to Bloodsport:
the arms!
can always learn something interesting from Doc
he's figured something out
such a nice view ;)
workin those brain cells again
I sure hope he doesn't want this for Christmas
all serious at the pool party
interviewing a suspect
talkin 'Football' (or as we Americans call it - Soccer!)
