George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #45

On to season 8 and Living Doll.


Don't you mean Dead Doll :D
:angryrazz: Not one of the more memorable episodes to me. Obviously! I may own season 8 but the only reason I watched it was to cap Nick. :bolian: At least I was partially right, on to season 8 and something with 'Doll'. :lol:

Next up is A La Cart.
taking a look at just what the crime scene may include
following the blood trail
poor clueless Nicky
to the rest of the boyd
a meeting with the vic's brother
letting Greg do the talking at the go-cart place
but Greg doesn't do good in chasing after suspects
and being a convincing 'Mad Scientist'
interview time
time for Mr. Wiggles to come out and play
which makes Nick happy
and we end with some 'Family Fun Time'
