George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #45

Fur and Loathing is next. I do wish that Nick had got the main case but sometimes dumb people cases are just as much fun.
I can only imagine Nick at the Plushies and Furries convention. :guffaw: That would have been as fun to watch as that scene of Brass walking down the hallway at PD with Sexy Kitty. :guffaw:

No Nick in Jackpot so on to After the Show.

outside after the breathalizer on the suspect
watching a video of the vic
there's always paperwork to do
working on a lead with Sara
time for the grunt work
they found her!
now trying to proove who did it

Had to take Socks to the vet this morning. She didn't eat much over the weekend and has been very lethargic - not at all like herself. :( After the blood test the results for the liver and kidney were way above normal for a cat her age so they're running more tests. :( I already miss my little terror! :(

No Nick in Butterflied so on to Suckers.

the vic is a CPR dummy
watching the security video
doing some a/v work that takes heavy concentration
Grissom, hows our insurance?
all this stuff's fake?
laughing at Brass's joke
I need to get me one of these

Had to take Socks to the vet this morning. She didn't eat much over the weekend and has been very lethargic - not at all like herself. :( After the blood test the results for the liver and kidney were way above normal for a cat her age so they're running more tests. :( I already miss my little terror! :(


I hope things go well for your little lady :)

and before the day slips by me even more :)

Paper or Plastic is up next

Getting the video tape
going over the tape with Catherine
supervising the money
explaining it all to Catherine
breakroom decisions
Yup that is that!
Had to take Socks to the vet this morning. She didn't eat much over the weekend and has been very lethargic - not at all like herself. :( After the blood test the results for the liver and kidney were way above normal for a cat her age so they're running more tests. :( I already miss my little terror! :(


I hope things go well for your little lady :)
Brought her home last night with the instructions of 'do not feed her'. Brought her back this morning for an ultrasound. There were no obstructions so they believe they cleared it out of her system yesterday. We all think she just ate something she shouldn't have and couldn't get it out of her system. :(

On to Early Rollout. :)
OJ anyone?
they were the bicycle bandits and they went that way
time to print the keypad
now he gets to print some bicycles
the bandits were at the fast food joint
and there they are on video
back at the scene
the bad guys had to show they'd done the deed
