George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #41

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I've learned a few things today. :)
#1 - Sticking half your body out a window to shovel the roof is he!! on the back. (windows too small to just climb out! :()
#2 - Don't expect to use your arms later when shoveling at shoulder height while standing on the next to top step of the ladder.

Unfortunately Nick's time with me has come to an end.

Your runners up:
Jacquie - I miss Warrick. :(
Raynn - always forget there's some blue sky in this shot. :devil:
Jacquie - it can still shovel snow, Nicky. :lol:
Raynn - the sky wasn't why I picked it! :devil:
Princess - Almost the winner! The best pic in the opening credits that George has had. :lol:


Smokey with the inspiration for the theme. :lol: This was instantly my favorite cap from The Descent of Man. Take it easy on Nick. We had a busy morning in preperation for the freezing rain and rain predicted for this afternoon. :devil: He's just a tad tired. :thumbsup:


Smokey with the inspiration for the theme. :lol: This was instantly my favorite cap from The Descent of Man. Take it easy on Nick. We had a busy morning in preperation for the freezing rain and rain predicted for this afternoon. :devil: He's just a tad tired. :thumbsup:

Funny, that's the first pic *I* thought of when I read the theme. :lol: Thanks, Blackflag! But...take it easy on him? On a Saturday night?? Mmm...we'll see. :devil:

For the next theme, I'd like some gun porn please. :) And no, you can't post *that* pic yet. :lol: 12 in 24...have fun!
Survived the rain yesterday afternoon/last night and came out of it with only the original window leak in Christopher's room. :)

For the next theme, I'd like some gun porn please. :) And no, you can't post *that* pic yet. :lol: 12 in 24...have fun!

but I want to know when I can use it as my avatar :)

I think somewhere around 11 or 12 days depending on how late you want to stay up. :D

Princess posted (#4) the one that I have forgotten to put in photobucket for some reason! :(

set #2:
gun porn #7
gun porn #8
gun porn #9
gun porn #10
gun porn #11
gun porn #12

Good morning ladies.

So, I totally fell on my behind this morning taking the dog out. The path to the backyard is basically ice and even with boots I slipped and went down.

So ladies how has your morning/afternoon been?

Second set:

Good morning ladies.

So, I totally fell on my behind this morning taking the dog out. The path to the backyard is basically ice and even with boots I slipped and went down.

So ladies how has your morning/afternoon been?

it seems even with my internet connection problems on my computer that they are nothing to what your morning has been like :eek: I hope you didn't hurt yourself to badly.

my second set of gun porn pics


Good morning ladies.

So, I totally fell on my behind this morning taking the dog out. The path to the backyard is basically ice and even with boots I slipped and went down.

So ladies how has your morning/afternoon been?

it seems even with my internet connection problems on my computer that they are nothing to what your morning has been like :eek: I hope you didn't hurt yourself to badly.

No, I wasn't hurt at all.....just thankful no one but the dog saw me do it
For the next theme, I'd like some gun porn please. :) And no, you can't post *that* pic yet. :lol: 12 in 24...have fun!

but I want to know when I can use it as my avatar :)

I think somewhere around 11 or 12 days depending on how late you want to stay up. :D


I'm hoping your mean 11 or 12 at night as opposed to 11 or 12 days :eek: Since we've changed our work schedule on Thursdays we watch the show on tape at 10pm. So staying up to 11 or 12 isn't a problem :)
It's snowing again here (after several days above freezing). At least I don't have to go out in it. I don't want to think what the roads will be like after a thaw/freeze. Hope you're alright Princess!

Second set:

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