George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

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I don't know what else to add as I'm just tickled pink that George is coming back for season 11 :drool: :)

and now to the other important stuff :)

Happy Birthday blackflag :) I know it's started off well and I hope it continues to be a good day :)
Sorry I can't play this time guys, You've already posted all the crouching pics I Know of but I shall defo be here for the next round...

:) :) :) :) :) :)HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLACKFLAG :) :) :) :) :) :) Im sure you're having an awesome day :thumbsup:

And in celebration of having lots more Nicky in season 11 (Im sooooo friggen happy, YAYAYAYAYAYAY) I have brought gifts..

Someone is
awfully happy
that Nick
will be back
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Thanks for the Happy Birthday's gang. :thumbsup:

I got my best birthday present last night. :hugegrin: (it wasn't hard - my only other present was a hairdryer :lol:) I don't know what told me to turn on the computer after watching Criminal Minds but I'm glad I did. And ya know, it was only about 4 1/2 hours early. I was born at 2:05am. :lol:

First of all, a great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Blackflag!

And now, on to the sad duty of handing Nick off to someone else for the evening. I'm happy to know, though, that we'll ALL be getting lots of Nick next season! :D

Runners up....

Princess - So hot in that jacket! :D
Raynn - He's having so much fun! :)
Nickyfan - Perfection!! :drool:
Speedy - Busy looking cute when he should be paying attention! :lol:
Stokes4Me - Sigh! :luvlove:
Jacquie - First time I've ever picked a long hair pic, but I'm not looking at his hair! ;)

That means that Nick is off to the birthday party for Blackflag! Congratulations! When I named this theme, I thought, "If anyone posts this pic then they will be the winner!" So there you go!! Congratulations! :)

That means that Nick is off to the birthday party for Blackflag! Congratulations! When I named this theme, I thought, "If anyone posts this pic then they will be the winner!" So there you go!! Congratulations! :)

I'm proud of myself. Not only did I remember I had it but I remembered you asking about that one the last time you did the 'crouching' theme. :lol:

I get to watch Long Ball with Nick tonight. :angel:

New theme...
How about up to 12 of your best Nick/George/oc thinking. Winner in 24 hours or so. :thumbsup:

I've got to go cut a piece of cake for my guest :devil:

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