George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

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Thomas is on borrowed time! :( :( :( His kidneys are 2 different sizes - 1 little the other very big. He's extremely anemic. Basically we're keeping him here until he either stops eating entirely or he looks like he's in pain then we take him to Northboro (at least we got to take him where we wanted to go) and have him put to sleep. :( :( :(


blackflag. All the best with the tough decision.
Thomas is on borrowed time! :( :( :( His kidneys are 2 different sizes - 1 little the other very big. He's extremely anemic. Basically we're keeping him here until he either stops eating entirely or he looks like he's in pain then we take him to Northboro (at least we got to take him where we wanted to go) and have him put to sleep. :( :( :(


I'm so sorry, Blackflag!

That's the one problem with pets. I am NOT looking forward to when that day comes for Rogen. :(

*big hugs*
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Sorry to hear about Thomas, Blackflag. :( I went through that with my cat, Rex, 10 years ago (kidney trouble) before he passed. You'll know what to do when the time is right. Until then, just keep enjoying and loving him.
Thanks guys. They've assured us that it's not going to be like Pooky. We will know when it's time. It's just that when the time comes it will be the first time in my entire life that we will not have a cat. :(

Speedy posted this over in the spoiler thread. It's not really spoilerish. It's just George and Dustin and they're supposed to be working ... but it doesn't look like they're doing much but maybe discussing part of the script so...

George & Dustin

Click on the 'full size' (it is a huge pic! :eek:)and you'll see what Raynn mentions over in the Texan Charm thread. Yup, it's a different ring. 2 episodes, 2 different rings. And I'm surprised Smokey didn't notice it first. :guffaw:

Thanks guys. They've assured us that it's not going to be like Pooky. We will know when it's time. It's just that when the time comes it will be the first time in my entire life that we will not have a cat. :(

Speedy posted this over in the spoiler thread. It's not really spoilerish. It's just George and Dustin and they're supposed to be working ... but it doesn't look like they're doing much but maybe discussing part of the script so...

George & Dustin

Click on the 'full size' (it is a huge pic! :eek:)and you'll see what Raynn mentions over in the Texan Charm thread. Yup, it's a different ring. 2 episodes, 2 different rings. And I'm surprised Smokey didn't notice it first. :guffaw:

Well...I sort of did. :lol: I just thought I had been looking at the first one the wrong way.
Blackflag, sorry to hear about Thomas.

Click on the 'full size' (it is a huge pic! :eek:)and you'll see what Raynn mentions over in the Texan Charm thread. Yup, it's a different ring. 2 episodes, 2 different rings. And I'm surprised Smokey didn't notice it first. :guffaw:

Well...I sort of did. :lol: I just thought I had been looking at the first one the wrong way.

Well, we all fail anyway.. cause I'm pretty sure it's the same ring as in the other pic of him and Dustin that was posted weeks ago.. :rolleyes:

Sorry for being a bit late posting here.. I got a bit distracted enjoying that new pic..

Runners up:
Princess - awesome effect with the smoke behind him.
Princess - :luvlove:
NickyFan - watched it about 5 times on dvd so far, and never get tired of this episode. :)
blackflag - :adore:
blackflag - who could resist wet Nicky? :)

Jacquie -for this and this, and about 4 others I had a hard time deciding between.. :D
And will you look who just showed up at my front door. I quickly helped Nick into some cleaner clothes :) so he's more presentable to the general public. I much more prefer the disheveled look :devil:

Jacquie -for this and this, and about 4 others I had a hard time deciding between.. :D

Thanks Raynn and sorry I made the decision so hard for you :D

So onto a new theme :D and while I get to keep Nick safe from Drops tonight :lol: I would like to know what Nick is actually saying to his fellow co-workers :D :lol: Yes that's correct a thinking theme :D If you want to throw in Adam, Evel, Shorty or Gus that is fine as well. 12 pics in about 24 hours. Happy thinking while I go and see to my guest :devil:
Thomas is on borrowed time! :( :( :( His kidneys are 2 different sizes - 1 little the other very big. He's extremely anemic. Basically we're keeping him here until he either stops eating entirely or he looks like he's in pain then we take him to Northboro (at least we got to take him where we wanted to go) and have him put to sleep. :( :( :(


I'm so sorry about Thomas, blackflag :( It's a tough decision to make and I don't want to be in your shoes right now :(

But maybe it's best like this for Thomas... at least he is were he was happy all these years. Giving him lots of loving is all you can do :(

I feel with you, I would be so sad if my Juri would die :(

Congrats on your win, Jacquie :) I won't join this round because I will not be here in time to claim Nick... I have my graduation ball tomorrow and won't be online all day.
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