George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

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Hey.. I'm AmySparkles.. I've been a lurker here for a short while but Smokey messaged me on FanFic and kinda convinced me to join up here.. I don't know how many pictures I will be able to contribute (my collection is nowhere near as good as the ones you guys have) but.. Hey, George is hot and this looks like fun.. So I guess I'm just saying hey.. :lol:

Hey AmySparkles :) I'm glad you decided to join us here :D

I know your stories at, since I read them all :) I want to review your latest one but I guess I'll have to wait until my exams are over :rolleyes:
I liked it a lot :)

Have fun here and snag as many pics as you want. One can never have enough Nick pics ;)
Welcome to The Ward AmySparkles :)

You're more than welcome to snag our pictures, the only request we have is that you leave our signatures on them. Snagging others pics is a sure fire way of building up your collection of pictures :)

Oh cool.. Don't worry I'll make sure to keep your signatures on them.. :) Im in the midst of sorting out my photobucket so I can post some yummy pics... :)

And thanks NickyFan Im glad you liked my stories.. Good luck with the exams, I finished mine last month so I know your probably counting down the days until you'r done (Well, I was anyway) :)
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Oh what a wonderful Saturday night I had! :D Before I get down to the business of passing Nick on, however,...

Welcome to the Ward, AmySparkles! Glad you decided to join up! Sooner or later, all lurkers find that they can't resist and they succumb to the powerful pull of the Ward and it's wonderful pics! :lol: I think you're doing a great job on your stories too. :)

Raynn...I love your avi and banner! :) Funny thing...those banner pics are the ones I wanted to try to get on my debit card. My first one...his rejected. I really find it hard to believe that someone actually knew who it was. I think they're just rejecting anything that isn't a baby or a pet. :rolleyes: So anyway, my second try is one of his arms and legs, like on your banner. :D Hope it gets approved!

And now it's time to send Nick on his way....

NickyFan - Oh, the famous crouch! :drool:
Raynn - One of the episodes this season that I didn't get to cap. Sort of crouching on the ladder! Nice! :D
Blackflag - Gaaaaa! :drool: The foot in the jeans pic!
Jacquie - Oh lord...besides the close up there's the other one kind of tucked under him. :swoon: :luvlove:

The lucky gal this round is Princess! You provided a double whammy with this classic, perfect, swoonworthy shot as well as this :adore: oh so cute pic that brings back such great memories! :) So congratulations!
Thanks Smokey. Nick arrived safe and sound....a little tired ;)

So theme.....I'll go easy on you as I will be at a concert tomorrow night and don't know exactly when I'll be getting home....we may even decide to come home early who knows

How about some chocolate in a little over 24 hours.

Have fun ladies.
:eek: it's been a while ladies... RL just takes over sometimes...although I have been lurking a fair bit during this time in need of my Texan Fix ;)

I can start this post off with a
for the new thread! Yay!

And then
to Raynn and AmySparkles , I'm sure you'll feel right at home here in The Ward!

And so, congrats to you Princess on winning the company of one hot hunk! My first set of yummy chocolate coming up!

Choccies 1
Melting chocolate 2
Chocolate 3
Hot chocolate 4
Chocolate 5
Creamy chocolate 6
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