George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

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And NickyFan get set 2 in just in time! :lol: :thumbsup:

Sorry to be so late gang but Nick's back massage last night was so good that we were cleaning Victoria's room this time. He was a great help in moving some furniture so I didn't hurt myself again. :lol:

Your runners up:
Princess - the arms. :drool:
Raynn - the chocolate! :drool:
Smokey - I do like the man all dressed up, even as Adam. :)
NickyFan - At the last moment almost gets Nick! :shifty:


Jacquie with white t-shirted Nick and yah, I've gotta pick the new one. What can I say? As we've been finding some old stuff I've been dying for something new. :lol: Nick should be right up Jacquie. You might want to let him rest a little as things are quite busy around here at the moment. :devil:


Jacquie with white t-shirted Nick and yah, I've gotta pick the new one. What can I say? As we've been finding some old stuff I've been dying for something new. :lol: Nick should be right up Jacquie. You might want to let him rest a little as things are quite busy around here at the moment. :devil:


and yes I have me a Hot Texan for the night :devil: mind you with the weather here it may be one those nights where there is not much to do but sitting down and watching some tv :devil:

So a new theme is in order. Since it short sleeve weather how about we show off those lovely arms with some short sleeve pics. 12 pics in about 24 hours. Happy hunting while I go and entertain my guest :devil:
And good day everyone :)

Nick and I've had a lovely day trying to keep each cool :devil: and on that note I'll post the pics so Nick can be on his way to visit the next lucky Ward Girl :)

Smokey with some arm action :)
Princess same episode but different scene :)
blackflag I always want to think Nick is hailing a taxi in this cap :lol:
NickyFan this scene is to :drool: over
Raynn tight white t-shirt :devil: :drool: :devil: :drool:

please for Stokes4Me with this lovely pic. Hands on hip :drool: open Nick :drool: Sunnies :drool: and oh yea short sleeves :lol: :drool: Congrats Stokes4Me. Nick should be there in time for breakfast. Enjoy you Nick time :devil:
Congrats, Stokes4me! Looking forward to a theme! :D

In the meantime...this is from a spoiler pic but I've cut it down to where it's not spoilerish. I'm this a new belt buckle or have we seen it before?? :)
Congrats, Stokes4me! Looking forward to a theme! :D

In the meantime...this is from a spoiler pic but I've cut it down to where it's not spoilerish. I'm this a new belt buckle or have we seen it before?? :)

I don't know if we've seen it before or not. Maybe that could be a theme idea for Stokes4Me :) it might get someone's attention for her birthday on Friday. Everyone posting belt pics and we all know what that's likely to bring out :devil:
Wow! I won Nick? Thanks a lot Jacquie! I never thought...thanks!

I wake up with this handsome man knocking on my door wanting to be let in and wanting to have a bit of a rest from a long journey, can't say that I mind him laying down in bed...:devil:;)

Before I announce the new theme I have to say, Smokey...that pic you posted sure had me looking :devil: in detail :devil: for belt buckles ;) however I can't say I've seen that particular kind before, good catch! SE 11 is looking promising

And I also have to tell you all that I am posting my theme now, however I travel back from my hols tomorrow and won't have internet access until late afternoon/early evening which means I will surpass my 24 hours by a whole lot, are you all OK with that?

And so for my theme, it's not belt buckles but thanks for the suggestion :), I am going for lush lovely long lashes please!

Up to 12 pics in about 30 hrs then...:alienblush:
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