I've got some
Nicky for me!!!
Thank you!!!
Didn't really expect winning Nicky!!!
Even more great that he showed up at my door today!!!
even I need to say I needed some time to get there to open it for him :lol:
Guess the poor guy will be busy with spending comfort and making some arrangements for me though... I for sure need him this time.
Stef! And here I sent you on to bed. :lol:
Here's some
pics to get you in the
right frame of
mind when you discover in the morning that you've got a guest.
mom, you do know that you would have gotten the new theme right away if you wouldn't have make me go to bed :lol:
What does "right frame of mind mean"??? You think I would let my still fuzzy head ruin my time with Nick??? Ohhhhhhh no, I feel better now, that's for sure
But I need to say I love that
Mea Culpa pic... the light on his face... :drool:
Since I wasn't online this morning, the theme comes a little bit later, sorry ladies... but I think for the ones who're at work at the moment it is a good time though
So, a theme... it's an easy one
I soooo love Nick/George/OC's profile :adore: So I'd like some :drool: :drool: :drool: profile pics from you. It would be cool if you all would dig through your collections so you can come up with some pics we haven't had in a while
So, a maximum of 12 theme pics in 24 hours, I'll be dead on time, promise
Now excuse me ladies, I'll rest up some more with the
sexy Texan on my side :devil: