George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #33

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Well ladies my time with Nick is up so he's got his back packed, his passport's up to date and he's raring to go to his next destination and where will that be.

So the runners up in no particular order are

Smokey nice lighting here :D
bookgirl a very popular :drool:worthy pic
blackflag very yummy
Princess it does look like he's trying to figure out what gravel will fit in his fish tank :lol:
Stokes4Me I'll gladly help them put out the fire :D
egeria so very close with this cap

but I decided that NickyFan could do with a little bit of Nicky love with this pic. So congrats on winning NickyFan and make sure that Nick waits on you like the true gentleman that his is :) Enjoy you Nick time :)
but I decided that NickyFan could do with a little bit of Nicky love with this pic. So congrats on winning NickyFan and make sure that Nick waits on you like the true gentleman that his is :) Enjoy you Nick time :)

Awwww...congrats, Stef! And here I sent you on to bed. :lol:

Here's some pics to get you in the right frame of mind when you discover in the morning that you've got a guest. :)
I've got some Nicky for me!!!
Thank you!!!
Didn't really expect winning Nicky!!!
Even more great that he showed up at my door today!!!
even I need to say I needed some time to get there to open it for him :lol:

Guess the poor guy will be busy with spending comfort and making some arrangements for me though... I for sure need him this time.

Awwww...congrats, Stef! And here I sent you on to bed. :lol:

Here's some pics to get you in the right frame of mind when you discover in the morning that you've got a guest. :)

Ohhh mom, you do know that you would have gotten the new theme right away if you wouldn't have make me go to bed :lol:
What does "right frame of mind mean"??? You think I would let my still fuzzy head ruin my time with Nick??? Ohhhhhhh no, I feel better now, that's for sure :D But I need to say I love that Mea Culpa pic... the light on his face... :drool:

Since I wasn't online this morning, the theme comes a little bit later, sorry ladies... but I think for the ones who're at work at the moment it is a good time though :)

So, a theme... it's an easy one ;) I soooo love Nick/George/OC's profile :adore: So I'd like some :drool: :drool: :drool: profile pics from you. It would be cool if you all would dig through your collections so you can come up with some pics we haven't had in a while :)

So, a maximum of 12 theme pics in 24 hours, I'll be dead on time, promise :)

Now excuse me ladies, I'll rest up some more with the sexy Texan on my side :devil:
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