Time sure flies when you're having fun! Me and Nick were out on the town tonight, enjoying a bottle of Prosecco (ok, two bottles) and well, we just lost track of time! So here we are, parting ways and a hard choice it was too!
I'm really glad you all liked my variation on a theme! I just felt like trying something different and it seemed to work
Honorable mention to
NickyFan for your 'Let The Seller Beware' cap....how did you know what we were doing tonight?! :devil:
blackflag instead of the usual blue/bamboo pic I went with this Monte Carlo cap...lovely!
PrincessJ88 lashes, a hint of crinkles and a whole lotta 'oh yeah...'
Jacquie the chocolate and the open porn...yowza!
Yoshi Something so beautiful about this cap, the lighting and the open porn and the little smile
bookgirl 'Beautiful face' was clever but you had me at the dimple!
For reasons I can't explain this was the hardest decision ever. I had to pick between these two thoroughly captivating pictures. Trust me, I spent as much time flipping back and forth between these two as I've ever spent looking at pics of Nick.
Smokey the crinkle and the smile nearly won it, honestly...but the winner has to be
Stokes4Me with this cap that renders me speechless. The half smile, the lighting, the chocolate, the hair, his oh-so-beautiful jawline...it's stunning and well deserving of the win.
Stokes4Me, Enjoy your time with Nick!