George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #33

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Nickyfan, I didn't know you were having surgery, but I hope everything turns out ok.

She got run over by a bicycle!
Let's see...what nickname could that earn her, a la Speedy?


Smokey, Smokey, Smokey

Good Morning y'all :)

The warm temperatures are upon us, for a short time anyways and I'll be inside all day. All I can hope for is a lot of customers needing carry outs today :)

Some random scatterings for those that will be starting their weekend soon :) and of course for anyone else that wants to look :D
Well, it's been fun, but all good things must come to an end. Lots of great pics to drool over! :D

And the runners up....

Bookgirl - Always one of my that compact little rear end! :lol:
Egeria - Another fave. Pretty pic, and I love those jeans! :D
NickyFan - Great neck shot, and the sun makes the pic very arty! :)
Jacquie - Seriously...does he KNOW he drives us crazy when he looks like this? :drool:
Stokes4Me - Love those long sleeved shirts! :adore: And the neck....
Blackflag - Ohhhh...there's another one! I love this one! :luvlove:

So that must mean that Nick is on his way to visit Princess! A profile does it for me everytime, especially with that longer on top hair...and I hadn't seen this one before, so there you go! :) Have a great time with him!
You know something told me I'd be winning Nick this weekend. Not just because he showed up soaking wet, but because I got a new computer today and I'm still trying to adjust to it and everything. I almost didn't think I'd have internet tonight

So anyway....theme about an I Spy about the color blue...simple enough. At least twelve in 24 or so.

happy hunting now I have to go dry Nicky off
Well, it looks like that time ladies. I have to send Nick on his merry way. Only five players this here goes:

egeria Chocolate and lashes for a bonus
Jacquie That hair is out of control.
Smokey I've always like the scene this is from

And so the winner and recipient of Nick's "services" (minds out of the gutter): blackflag I think everyone likes this one....myself included.

So blackflag, he's all yours. Have fun.
Well won't you just looky at who showed up at the front door this morning. :) He's been helping me with my poor abused finger. Victoria's bicycle viciously attacked me yesterday and I still can't bend it all the way. :( (On top of that you can barely get 5 minutes alone in this house!)

Enough of my problems - on to a new theme. :shifty:

I'm going to make you all use your imaginations this time (after all I was easy on you last time!). I want how Nick/George/oc are spending their summer vacation. Up to 12 pics in 24-26 hours. You know how time flies while your :drool: over pics. :lol:

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