George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #33

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Good Morning y'all :)

For those of you in the US I hope you'lll be having a good Memorial Day :) I also understand those in the UK are having a Bank Holiday :) So have a safe and happy holiday :)

I will come back and post my second set of theme pictures later, when I have more time to look at the others that have been posted, so in the meantime some random pics to start a Monday :)

more hand movement that could be a new theme for someone :)
a big smile
how about some foot action
another sigh
Hey ladies :) Guess I'm the last in line to post theme pics today... anyway let's see what I can come up with... Congrats on the win bookgirl, I'm sure you have much fun today :devil:

Watched all theme pics closely, so I hope there are no dupes...

Set one:

Thought he could mess with a doorframe
I love this pic and when he takes care of animals
That looks very sensitive and vulnerable to me :devil:
Looks kind of lost here...
Thoughtful moment
Thinking of a painful moment

The right theme for my mood right now... thanks bookgirl :)
Welcome "home", NickyFan! We missed you!

Jacquie...I must investigate this UK "Bank Holiday" of which you speak. I think I need to have a word with my boss. :lol:

I wanted a pic from "Sounds of Silence" for my theme pics, but couldn't find one I liked, so what am I doing this afternoon? Capping, of course! :D

"Bless her heart" I think that's when I fell in love with him...when he said that. :adore:

Another goodie
Posting a pic courtesy of and Desertwind over in the Jorja/Sara thread. I asked permission to snag and share. :D

Here we go!

Nice arm porn!! :adore:
Nice showing ladies! Love the sensitive side of Nick :D

Honorary Mention goes to Smokey for your listening to folk music pic :). And cause its so nicely featured in your banner

Runners up:
Jacquie First episode. He's a sweetheart even with a tatoo
blackflag When he cries, I cry :(
NickyfanThe whole ep would work, but I especially like the jumping in water scene
Yoshi So many good shots from this episode!
Stokes4me Always there when someone needs to talk
Princess A romantic at heart

And the winner is CSI_Kat! Cause this is maybe my favorite quote from CSI ever.
Warrick- This things heavier than my kit. Ever get hit in the head with one of these?
Nick- No, gentlemen don't get hit in the head with those :D
See morals, sensitivity and manners. :adore:
Awwww thanks bookgirl! I will have fun with Nick!

Ok lets go with the color red! 12 pics of our man in the color red.....12 in 24 or so.

Have fun!
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