Sorry for the delay ladies but I was late getting home from a very informative tour of a pet food facility. So without further ado here's what you're all waiting for
Honourable mentions go to
NickyFan with her jewelry pic from Gum Drops and
blackflag for your gang shot from Hammer. Excellent pics but a lass even with
Smokey being a mod in the Forum now somehow I still think
Destiny would come by with her hose
Runners up in no particular order
Kat sunnies, buzz, open Nick :drool:
Princess I love the confuzzled look on Shorty's face here :lol:
speedy excellent use of the letter 'G'
Smokey super excellent use of the letter 'J'
I was going to complain on the spelling because I thought it was lab rat Jacqui but it was fan Jackie
Lucky girl
bookgirl I'm so glad they did a team picture for For Warrick
egeria so close with one of my all time favourite pics. Just hanging around waiting to see what happens
But Nick has his bags back and is heading over to
Stokes4Me's place with
this loverly pic. There is just something about this picture that is just oh so :drool:worthy. So enjoy your Nick time
Stokes4Me :devil: