George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #33

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Well let me see if some of my smilies in my pb collection work here :)





and a favourite of some that hasn't been used in awhile :)


Thanks, Jacquie! Now I wonder which one I like the most? :D

Gotta love the cow one too! I don't know why the cow reminds me of Yoshi? Nope, I have no idea.
Hey ladies :) Thanks for your attempts of brighten up my horrible day with your sunny smiling pics :)

Thanks bookgirl20 for your funny smileys, they made me smile :)

So now I need to get Nick ready for the next lucky girl. He is maybe a little emotional spent though because he needed to comfort me somewhat... but he's well rested and ready for whatever the lucky winner has in mind with him :devil:

The runners up are:
blackflag That smile is so cute. I love when he's smiling that hard that his eyes are just fine slits, so adorable :)
Jacquie I so love that pic :) Nick's smirk there is priceless.
egeria I know you love that pic and what should I say??? I love it too :D
Smokey Oh, his profile :drool: and that with some lashes, just to :adore:
myfuturecsi You're right, that one is to :drool: :drool: over. And the eyes... you've me melting here...

Ohhhh and there were so great other pics, I really had a hard time chosing between the two...
PrincessJ88 that pic is nearly perfect... and one of my absolute favourites :) the lighting and that sweet crinkles on his face, combined with that sweet smile found the way in my heart so quickley. You were so close but Stokes4Me did it to me with her winning pic :D I so love it and I'm out of superlatives right now... but I guess you all know why I love it... it's just :drool: and :adore: and :luvlove: at the same time :D

So I'll send Nicky on his way to you... have fun with him :devil:

Thank you all for playing that theme and for putting a smile on my face :)
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I am taken by surprise :eek:but boy do I love it:devil:! Thanks NickyFan for sending this hunk of love my way!:D And I do have things in mind for his stay, yes indeed...:devil:

The weather has changed drastically over here and it has gotten rather cold and it's raining so it's perfect for staying in and Nick is getting comfy on the couch..I'll go join him as soon as I have given you the new theme. I do loooove those crinkles on his beautiful face so hence a crinkles porn theme is hereby presented to you!

Maximum of 12 pics in about 24 hrs. Happy Hunting!

You cold over there Nick? I'll keep you warm baby...:devil::drool:;)
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