Sorry I'm late! I'll get right to it!
blackflag, for Deepfried and Minty Fresh
Yurek for your Boom pic
myfuturecsi for your Redrum pic
And again Runners Up are in alphabetical order...
bookgirl20, give the man a gun and rowr...!
Jacquie, open, buzz and beautifully lit in the dark. Yum!
PrincessJ88, lurve the arm porn! And more and more lately I'm loving the latex gloves
Smokey, buzz porn with more fantastic lighting...
Stokes4Me, crinkles and know me so well!!
Yoshi, gorgeous profile with the crinkles and the warm lighting...nice!
except of course for the winner
speedystokesgirl, for this facial shot partly in profile with the buzz and the lighting and the intense look on his face. Fabulous. Enjoy your time with Nick!!
Note to self: picked three Redrum pics...must cap that episode myself!!