George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #33

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Game interrupting!

Folks I have statement I would love make and to be fair this isn't the only thread it will be put into. Two count them two new folks to the board wanted to play this/and the other thread game, but they seem to be under the misunderstanding I am sure that 12 in 24hrs is merely the most that a person can post, and if they post less then 12, even 3 pictures they are still eligible to win and should if their pic is just as good. So I would just like to clear up this little matter now so that they may feel they can join in on the fun.

The other matter I have, patterns when it comes to winners, I did my own homework and I am not liking what I am seeing, granted that compared to the planet, there is only a small amount that play, therefore limits the playing field of choices. But now sense I made that statement above about the amount I am sure that you all will get more people to play the game and said pattern will poof. ;) I have faith in y'all.

Let The Game Continue!
Oh yeah...definitely, 12 is just the most you can post in the theme. And if anyone wants to collect more caps, I think everyone here has said in the past that you are welcome to snag ours as long as you leave our names on them. :) Or you can visit a couple of cap sites to snag caps.

Everyone is welcome to play! Come on in and introduce yourselves!

Now, speaking of, I must get back to catching up on my capping from Season 9! :)

Egeria, hope you're having a fun night out, but please remember to return Nick to the Ward before you head to bed. :D
Sorry I'm late! I'll get right to it!

blackflag, for Deepfried and Minty Fresh
Yurek for your Boom pic
myfuturecsi for your Redrum pic

And again Runners Up are in alphabetical order...

bookgirl20, give the man a gun and rowr...!
Jacquie, open, buzz and beautifully lit in the dark. Yum!
PrincessJ88, lurve the arm porn! And more and more lately I'm loving the latex gloves
Smokey, buzz porn with more fantastic lighting...
Stokes4Me, crinkles and know me so well!!
Yoshi, gorgeous profile with the crinkles and the warm lighting...nice!

except of course for the winner

speedystokesgirl, for this facial shot partly in profile with the buzz and the lighting and the intense look on his face. Fabulous. Enjoy your time with Nick!!

Note to self: picked three Redrum pics...must cap that episode myself!!
I won! Whoo Hoo Happy Ward Dance!

Thanks Egeria, he showed up lickedly split, but asked if he could take a nap. :shifty: Wore him out, huh?

Let's see a new theme. I've been reading some Vampire books, lately (I love Vampires :devil:), so I'm thinking how delicious Nick's neck would be to bite into :drool:, so lets have some Open Nick!

The usual 12 pics in 30 hours (sorry, late day at work).

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to wake my sleepyhead. Hmmmm, I think I'll wake him by a little nibble on the neck.
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