George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#31

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Oh dear...

The guy fixing my door IS cute. And he's working late tonight especially for me because I need the door fixed before I move out. It's 9pm and he's out on my balcony when he could be at home relaxing.

I feel rather undeservedly grateful!

Keeping it legal
Congrats on the win Stokes4Me. Something is wrong with our water heater so I have no hot water and I think I'll get frostbite everytime I was my hands. Brrr! My BIL is coming to check it out, hopefully we don't need a new one! And today is hubby's birthday so I'm sort of busy! I hope there's no dupes cause I don't have time to check right now!

First set:

no idea, something in the lab, does this count?
the gadget that controls Mr. Wiggles :)

My brain isn't working right now! And is it just happening to me or do you no longer get the automatic copy when you click on a photobucket link? That's annoying!
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