George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#31

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Nice job ladies. Nick says thank you for not sending him on a day when he had to shovel snow :D

Honorable mentions to Jacquie's black and white chocolate picture (an oxymoron? I don't think so!) and Egeria's standing there in black looking hot pic.

Runners up:
Speedy He looks so good in black
Princess Ditto for white :D
FallenForFlack The white gloves are the perfect accessory!
Yoshi Yowza...that's all I have to say about that
Blackflag Nice black and white! LOVE the hands
Smokey Veerrrryy Nice. This pic floors me for some reason. So so close

But the winner is Stokes4me You most definitely did the theme right because I was stuck on about three of your pics! Congrats Nicky is on his way.
Oh! What a surprise :eek:, I won?! Thank you bookgirl !:)

Look who drove all night to get to me, looking dapper :drool:as always and not at all tired as he told me all about what he wanted us to get up to during the next 24 :censored: :devil:!

But the first thing he demanded I do was to get a new theme started and this just came to me this morning, I want to see Nick/George/Gus/Evel/Shorty with gadgets! I leave it up to you to interpret...;) 12 in about 24 then ladies!

I'm off to start enjoying all the :censored: things Nick has planned...
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