George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#29

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I actually fell asleep watching Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls on DVD last night! :alienblush:

112 caps from Drops Out yet I only managed to get 22 of them off the hard drive yesterday. :drool:

Theme pics:
Grave Danger - Nick angst! Need I say more.
GumDrops - So posative Cassie was alive
Stalker - My first full episode
Drops Out - The Nick/Brass relationship has gotten so good in recent seasons
Mea Culpa - A great Nickasode even though the team was split
A La Cart - I like when they show the whole team having fun

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Here's my first set! Spent the morning getting these caps but oh what a fine morning it was! Going for a walk, but will post my second set later on!

Mea Culpa If ever an episode highlights the team's dedication to the truth, this one is it.
Who Shot Sherlock? I absolutely love the entire episode, and Nick's tenaciousness to get to the truth is why I'm so enamoured!
Snakes Leather jacket aside, I love Nick's fearless pursuit of truth. His conviction that he speaks for the those who cannot speak for themselves really comes through in this one.
4x4 I love how the stories intersect, and I love how Nick shows such respect for the victim during the evidence collection scene. Although the case breaks my heart!
Grave Danger Part 1 My absolute all time favourite episodes, George really shines as an actor and the entire show has me on the edge of my seat, no matter how many times I watch it (which is more often than I shall admit!)
Grave Danger Part 2 I always cry. Always.

(Did I mention Season 5 is my favourite season? Isn't it obvious?!)
Good Sunday Morning everyone :) or you some of you over the pond Afternoon Y'all :)

the rest of my theme pics

A La Cart so many reason but it shows the potential for Nick to be a supervisor and I love this scene. Nick is just so 'dumb' in this. George is good at making Nick clueless
Who Are You men from Texas aren't afraid to get emotional
Unfriendly Skies more the scene than the episode. I loved the buddy interaction.
For Warrick I think this scene said it all. Nick again isn't afraid to shed tears
Leave out all the Rest Nick is starting to spread his wings, again. Good supervisor.
Dog Eat Dog I'll let the pic speak for itself :)
Hey Adorable, I guess you could say I'm a Dubliner, although I'm an ex-pat Canadian! I've lived in Dublin for over 8 years now!

Anyway, here's my second set! Don't think there are any dupes but I'll go back and check just in case.

Scuba Doobie Doo He's so cute in this one!!
Play with Fire Love it. Absolutely love it.
Coming of Rage 'Mythbusters' eat your heart out!
Suckers The case Nick is working on is brilliant, great writing and rather riveting episode!
Gumdrops I could write an entire essay on why I love this episode...
Fannysmackin' Heart breaking and gut wrenching. Need I say more?
Hey Adorable, I guess you could say I'm a Dubliner, although I'm an ex-pat Canadian! I've lived in Dublin for over 8 years now!

Oh what part of Canada are you from. I'm from the Toronto area :)

Needing something bright, sunny and cheerful in light of Monday's weather forecast

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