George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#29

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Arrrrrgh! I hate being so far behind! :( Too many posts to catch up on, but congratulations, Bookgirl, on the win! :)

Glad to see you playing, Missie! And welcome to Egeria! Nice tags on your caps! Like the others said, we just tag the ones we cap ourselves, and everyone is free to snag (speaking for myself) as long as you leave the tag on. :)

I'll try not to dupe, but honestly I don't think I can remember everything that's been posted so far! :lol:

Yoshi, you beat me to Rapper in a Box! :guffaw:

First set:

Rain :drool:
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Arrrrrgh! I hate being so far behind! :( Too many posts to catch up on, but congratulations, Bookgirl, on the win! :)

Ahh I hate to tell you Smokey but it was blackflag that won the game that featured Nick and Greg with their deepest, darkest and most secretive thoughts :)

so I can't be accused of loitering :)

Holy mackerel!!! :lol: Whoops! Sorry, Susan!!! That's what 10 hours of working in a bank on Black Friday without a lunch break will do to you!

To make up for my blunder....

, Blackflag!!
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Popping in to say "hi" to my favorite girls! Sorry I've been MIA, you know how it goes here. I hope to be playing again soon. Too much sickness here lately!

I loved Nick in last week's episode too bad I couldn't get into the rest of the show though. Nick is always the bright spot! ;)
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