George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#29

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Hey girls, I'm not feeling well, think the whole time change thing has done a number on me along with all the other stuff. So please don't mind if I skip this theme and possibly the next one. My anxiety level is too high to really concentrate. Oh yeah Nick is very understanding and I know you girls are too. *hugs* I'm just going to enjoy everyone's theme pictures this time round and :drool: over Nick.
10 players this time. Wow. I wish I could post a pic from each player, but I am unfortunately limited to the number I can post. So, honorable mentions go to Jacquie, Speedy & Stokes4me. :)

blackflag Love this pic. He's so expressive there.
Adorable_Crazy. There's just something I :luvlove: about this pic.
Yoshi. This is just a cute pic. Love his expression.
Smokey I just love how they're both all squinty eyed in this pic. :lol:
bookgirl. Aww is right. :D
Princess. He's concentrating and looking so sexy at the same time. He's a multi-tasker. :lol:

And the winner is Kat. This pic just made me :drool: . Nick is taking the first flight out to you. :)
Morning y'all :)

Kat congrats on winning Nick, you lucky Ward Girl you :)

Now would some one like to take this off my hands :) And no not the georgeous looking guy :D I usually get one of the cats on the bed at night which is fine because she keeps to her side of the bed. But last night she decides to sleep in the middle :brickwall: Yes Evel I know booting her out is the best but she'd come right back and do it again. I'll just take the good old cure all chocolate fix and I know I'll be good for the days work :)
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