George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#29

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Okay it is that time again to remind folks about the ship discussion rule, something we do to refresh the regular members and help out the newest ones to. Now before anyone says, well why are you posting this in here and not in other threads, its the roundup and therefore this will be posted in all actor/actress/character threads.

So here is how it goes, any and all ship discussions should be done in the respective threads in the Shipper Central forum, the only time that any ship discussion should be discussed in the LV forum is when it pertains to a specific episode, in which case it would go into either said episode discussion thread or the lab. Causal mention of a ship is fine as long as it is not used to dominate a discussion as there are some folks who are not shippers, or some who ship different characters. If you need to make a small point using a part of scene from a ship moment that is fine but again do not let it dominate, if it pushes the limit then we will not hesitate to remind you of the rule.

The one strict rule that the board has and one in which we will halt is the shipping of real life actors/actresses of the show this is not allowed and will not be tolerated. Shipping characters is one thing, but what happens in the actors/actresses real life is off limits unless it is something that they acknowledge via media (ie interviews, etc) and then we ask that it not be expanded upon but kept to that which is made public.

We thank you for taking the time to read this, and appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
This is the second day in a row I've posted after Destiny. It makes me a little nervous. ...not that I have anything to be nervous about
heh yeah

Honorary mentions go to Marns for her muscle picture- Its nice to see you back in the Ward! Princess for her Mommy pic, and Yoshi's mourning picture.

Runners up:
Blackflag Nice M word!
Speedy so pretty almost didn't notice the microscope!
CSI_Stokes_Girl Normally I would say the mask is a shame, but for the game its very good.
Jacquie excellent pic- in the morgue or not
MsCatherineBrown Can my mechanic look like this please?
Smokey Very nice view and very nice car

And the winner is

GNRFan! I have a weak spot for a good throat pic, but this pic won because I think Medical Examiner is an excellent play for an M word. I never would have thought of that!
I'm a little late getting here. Been outside with my doggies. :D

Let's keep going with the letter theme (mostly cause I can't think of anything else at the moment lol). How about the letter A?

Oopsie forgot to say: 12 in 24 hrs. :)
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