George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #21

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hi everyone, first of all, my best wishes for all of you for this so new year.

i haven't been on this board since a long time (maybe august 207 ha ha) but i like to post you some pics taken in a french paper. It is a paper of 20 december 2007 so i just hope you haven't seen it yet :eek:

if no, just enjoy for a good 2008 beginning :D
george and monica - 2007
george and monica - part 2- 2007
miko thank you for posting those pics :) Now my French is non existence so we need to get someone to translate the article for us or what can be seen of the article :)
Not me! I failed French. :eek:

But I agree that we should find someone to translate it. It would be interesting to know what it says. :D

okay Jacquie :D
i will translate it tomorrow (as it's nearly 11 o'clock of the evening here !)
they don't say that much you know - except that George is a handsome guy with a pretty body, that he seems to be very in love since 3 years with Monica and that she's a lucky girl.. really it's almost everything they say in this article ;)
What caught my eye was the use of Fiancee. In North America we use the term to mean engaged. In Europe does it mean girlfriend? If they are engaged great and congrats. But GE you will never get us to stop drooling over you :D
you're right Jacquie In France, the word "fiancée" also means you're going to be really engaged - but it's a very old french word - so in reality, nowadays, everybody use it to talk about a girlfriend, but only in a serious relationship. "fiancée" is used only when you're going out with a boy since a long time and that it's serious between you.
What caught my eye was the use of Fiancee. In North America we use the term to mean engaged. In Europe does it mean girlfriend?

Yea jacquie that caught my eye too. So I did a french to english google search. Fiancee came up fiancee when I did both french to english and english to french. I did girlfriend and amie came up.

Of course we'll know more when miko translate.

Hmmm, I wonder, does France know something we don't? :eek:
If in the near future there is to be a wedding do you think GE would have a problem if us Ward Girls showed up :lol: Of course we would sit on the grooms side :) And with all the training we've had from McStokes we would be able to provide the best in security for GE :D Speaking of McStokes I wonder where oh where she has gotten to.
Evening Ladies and a Happy New Year :)

Apologies for my late arrival (again! - we don't have a form of punishment regime for timekeeping do we lol). My car was vandalised when I was at work last night :mad: so I spent most of the morning with the police. It's been caught on cctv and the woman has pleaded guilty - doesn't mean I'll get money for the repairs though. £500. Ouch!

Onto more pleasant things. Namely our boy here - nice scans thanks miko. In the UK we'd use fiancee to imply getting engaged - following personal experience recently I automatically assume people need professional help ;)

So in order of chocolatey loveliness:

Jacquie intense stare - oooh
blackflag love this episode and the slightly exasperated look on his face :D
bookgirl adore the casual look and I'm a sucker for when he's just a little unshaven
Jacquie little poutiness going on there - and pleading eyes - aww.
stokesgirl chocolate, buzz and a sweet smile - so close...

However bookgirl has swiped Nicky from under your nose with this. My wallpaper (still). words fail me - he just looks utterly georgeous in it.

So a belated birthday present for you; Nick tells me he'll make up for being a little late. ;)
yoshi sorry about your car. I'm glad they caught the vandal. Usually, vandals aren't caught. In my neighborhood someone decided to take a baseball bat or something like that and go down the line of cars parked on the street and smash in all the driver side windows. Glass everywhere. Thankfully, my car was in the garage.

It stinks you have to pay though :(, hopefully, in the end she'll be the one who ends up paying.

hope this cheers you up
this too
this definitely should
Yoshi certainly not a good way to start the New Year. Thankfully you have CCTV helping you. Toronto doesn't want to do anything like that as some people don't want "Big Brother" watching. Yet the one street corner they do have cameras has proven to help. If someone can figure out Toronto's City council the more power to them.

bookgirl congrats on winning. I don't know if you'll be needing this to keep warm but if you would rather have this ..... :devil:
OMG i love those pics of george and monica <3 man what paper was that in??? i have a friend who lives in france (she came to visit me over thanksgiving and i showed her my planner that is covered in george/nick picture) and i'm going there in march for a second time...
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