George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #21

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stokesgirl I gotta say I love your banner. Your avvie's cool too.
Thanks Marns! :D I did that avatar about 2:00 this morning. I don't know what it is, but I LOVE that pic of him.

stokesgirl congrats on the avatar
Thanks Jacquie, :D I'm so excited I can have one now.

So this winter is getting to everyone! It's kind of snowing here in the Chicago area and VERY cold! Ugh, I hate winter!

I'm thinking that we all could use:
a little of this
and this
this too
and definitely this
this will help too
don't worry, spring will be here soon I hope! :p
Damn it, we've almost got spring again! Once we had a little bit of snow (only an inch or so) for one day and that's it! I would like to have winter, with snow and iciness. Someone want to swap?

But with that pics I'm satisfied with summer too, cause in my room the temperature raised dramatically :devil:
Glad we can keep the temperature rising for you

WOW! That was hard work. So many pics and some new ones for me too. Yoshi's a happy bunny :D

stokesgirl the Brando comment had me snorting coffee :D
Smokey oh he looks sooo good when he means it
bookgirl any angle's a good angle - and a new pic for me
Jacquie new for me and looking a tad confuzzled
blackflag just knew I'd have something from this - and I managed to stop it being my favourite shot from that epi ;)

The winner is Marns with this. Beautiful.

Sending Nick up to you - don't let him distract you from revision though ;) :D
Jacquie said:
And what a great day it will be. I just found 3 of the stories I've been reading have been updated :)

CSI ones? Good ones? Link? :)

Nice avatar, Stokesgirl!

Congrats, Marns! Nice pic!
Yay. :)

Okay.. new theme. I want the eyes. Big brown ones. :D Limit's 15, and I 'think I'll pick the winner tomorrow afternoon. ;)
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