George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #21

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:lol: Yoshi, have you been looking at Eddie Cahill a lot too? Pressing enter every 5 minutes and see Eddie Cahill is still on the screen is no fun. :p

Thanks guys, I have studied a lot so I should be OK. :)
I am so glad I only asked for 15. Any more than that and I would have needed 2 posts just to get to the winner! :lol:

Your runners up:

Babs - Looks so funny when they get him in the middle of talking.
bookgirl - Some chocolate. YUMMY! :D
Jacquie - Give the little guy his props. Don't think we've seen it all that much this season! :(
Smokey - I think it's time to give into age. He looks cute when he's squinting though. :lol:
Stokesgirl - Love how he's the only thing showing up in this pic.

The winner is:

Yoshi - White open Nick shirt. What else! :D OK there were some back shots, but I liked this one better. :rolleyes:

We're back? Did the Ward disappear for a while? :eek:
Glad I wasn't around for that. Guess there's benefit to being on in the wee small hours of the night, huh stokesgirl?

Crap i try to sneak in with some more theme pics and blackflag beats me to posting. Well I'll just leave this up for the pretty scenery.
potty humor :)
hand talker
Congrats on winning Yoshi :)

bookgirl the whole site was down for awhile so some pruning of topics could get done.

Smokey by the way it's nice to see you have an avatar now. Congrats :)

And speaking of avatars it looks like a number of us liked Nick's little red number from Thursdays episode :)
Jacquie said:
Congrats on winning Yoshi :)

Smokey by the way it's nice to see you have an avatar now. Congrats :)

Yeah, I guess I "qualified" for one a while ago, just didn't have time to put one up. :) Love all your Nick ones, but I had to give SD props.

Congrats on the win, Yoshi! Nice pic!

Changing my sig to college hoops after a horrible afternoon! :mad:
Thankee thankee thankee! :D

It's soooo cold and wet here I need some distraction from the gloominess outside.
I think someone said in an earlier post that it's so rare to see Nick in brighter/colourful clothing, that it always makes a big impact.

Not that I'm
obsessed of course. :eek: :D

New theme. I want to see Nick/George/any other character not smiling. Angry, sad, confused, bewildered, just not smiling.
Hope this doesn't make me sound too much of a misery but that man can emote like no-one else.
...and he looks really hot when he's angry. ;)

15 in about 26-30 hours depending on what time I leave work tomorrow lol.
Smokey said:
stokesgirl said:

Next set:
this case is driving me nuts or he's gonna sneeze

Oh seriously. If I was judging, this one would win! :D

:lol: I think I used that title for that pic. Pretty much what I thought when I saw it.

I had another 'moment' like that a few months ago when this got posted. Then I found this version a few days later, which I felt the need to label more appropriately :devil:
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