George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #18

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Oh my god, guys...I am so sorry it's taken me this long to pick a winner. I ended up working a double (and then some), and it's just been a hellacious few weeks for me. Sorry!

Don't have time to chat, so I'll just pick a winner...

NikkyJamez cuz I love the buzz, the glasses, and the "CSI hardbody" line! Congrats!
Hey, McStokes, no need to apologize! We all know you have a very busy job! ;)

And congratz to NikkyJamez! That's a cool pic.
Thanks! *hugs you all back*

Jacquie the crack head lawyered-up REAL quick, then gave the corrections staff a fun time all night because they made him come down off his high, which he didn't appreciate too much. Fingers are doing popped right back in at the scene, the other took a bit longer, and only bothers me when I type! (So, sorry for any typeo's!)

I just felt real bad when I realized I had kept y'all waiting so long. This place is my sanity check and I didn't want to let the Ward Girls down! My mind has been frazzled all week...I had two really bad calls this week, one that involved a child that ended up dying in my arms, so needless to say I am happy to have two days off now.
Congrats on winning Nikky :)

McStokes I don't know many cops but do know that it is a very stressful job and we all know that Nick and the ward are your break from real life. Take Nick for the weekend as long as your promise to return him unmarked :devil:

there there McStokes
come sit on my lap
Yay, I won . I was surprised that no one posted that pic, so I jumped at the chance to post it! Umm a theme... let's see? I'd like to see pictures of Nick and company in deep thought or looking confused. Happy Hunting!
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