George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #18

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Congrats Marns

i love smiling can you not smile remede for a bad day... :lol:
blackflag isn't that what sibling rivalry is all about :lol:

I was just doing some trolling on Modern Day Gallery and this is a lovely pic up there from tonights episode. I don't know whether it is the light playing tricks but it looks like GE is getting some grey streaks in his hair :) If it's true I hope he doesn't colour his hair to remove them. I think they will add more sex appeal to him :) I'll wait until the show has aired tonight before I post it. I've enjoyed going spoiler free this year and I don't consider looking at pics spoiling the show :) Some more random Nick. We can never have enough :)

Such a loverly site :) This was on a year ago tonight :)
I think I may have to watch this later today
now what do those wardgirls want only to see you topless in the next scene :D
oh this was a good scene with Nick, Catherine and Brass I loved the humour in it. I know crime isn't humorous but they should have a comedy night with Brass and Nick
Oh I think he knew they were in trouble
WINNER PICKING TIME! :lol: I'm in a great mood, since I'm going to Greece tomorrow. :D But that also means I can't post in here for a week. :( But.. here are the runners up:

NikkyJamez I liked this scene. He looked like he had fun.
blackflag this interview is the best! He laughed a lot. :)
blackflag Sure looks like fun!
Jacquie This smile, even though it's from the side, is perfect.
NikkyJamez Do I really need to explain? Just look at it! :D

And the winner isssss..

Jacquie This smile is perfect. I haven't seen this scene, but this smile just.. I don't know, I love it. :D

Oh, and what do you guys think of my new avvie? :)
Oh happy ward dance. I won! :) I would like to thank Babs for that lovely winning pic :) I think I need something to nibble on. So I would like to see pics of our favourite Texan's neck. All characters, the limit is 12 and I will announce the winner in about 22 hours. Happy hunting :)

Marns nice avatar :)
hello girls

just came back from the dentist and am in major need of a certain handsome texan..

love the pics .....
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