George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #17

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cathwillows we never said it was easy being the winner. There have been many times I wanted to pick everyone as the winner :)
Good morning, wardgirls

It's been 11 hours since my last post so I don't think anyone would mind me double posting to get the work week off to a nice Nick start :) Some random Nick moments to start Monday off with a bang

I certainly wouldn't trust Canada Post with this special delivery :devil:
Here let me get that for you Nick hip check's Wendy out of the way :D
The official photographer of the Ward
I'm going to be having to do this shortly
then go and feed these guys
fortunately there are none of these to walk it's just to darn cold for both man, in this case woman :), and beast. The temperature is suppose to go above freezing this week and it'll be the first time this month it has done so.
softcake my first post of the day was not early for me and no I didn't fall out of bed. Monday's I need to be in to the store early. Read 8:30-8:45. I usually go in solo which means no taking advantage of the 2 passengers or more lanes on the highway. I need to leave about 10 minutes earlier to try and beat some of the traffic.

That being said enjoy your day off and have a Nick wonderful day at that :)
Hey Ward!

I'm back earlier as expected.. But I don't mind, I had fun and now I'm back home. And ofcourse I'm back in the Ward. No pics for the theme right now, haven't had time to search for them.

hey my ward girls! it's been a busy day, had a few problems with my computer...again :rolleyes: but now everything is back online :D it's been so difficult for me to pick a winner because all your pics were so great and really funny...but i had to choose a winner and i did. so here we go

Stoky's lord of the chicken dance is always worth a laugh
look at this little guy peekin' out that was given to us by blackflag
nicksarafan2's look is worth a million ;)
and again Stoky with an obviously delicious meal
NikkiJamez did the monkey

and the winner is Jacquie with my all-time-favorite!!! that look really says it all! :lol:

congratulations on winning Jacquie . take good care of our nicky
Congratz, Jacquie :)

Welcome back, Marns. I hope you had enough snow in Winterberg.
And boy, it has been quiet in the Ward today...
Very quiet indeed. :)

Congratulations Jacquie, great pic. I hope to get the time to play the next theme.

Have a good night all. :)
Oh happy ward dance I won!. I wasn't expecting that pic to win as I posted it as an after thought :) But I won't say no to having Nick for the night :devil: Lets do a brighten up the February blahs with some porn! I know I did this back in the beginning of the year but we've got some new wardgirls, some back from holidays and we've had new Nick since then :) So lets have some fun. The limit is 12 and I will announce the winner in just over 24 hours. Happy posting.
Yes ladies I would say we're heating things up nickly :D This week we may actually get above freezing and with pics like the ones you wardgirls are posting I think we made need flood warnings here in Markham :lol:
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