George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #16

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Good morning, ward. After seeing all these pics with the buzz I think we need to send flood alerts to England when Elsie is going thru them. :lol: Man Nick is hot in the buzz and George if you're lurking your acting is fantastic :) Now on to the rest of my theme pics

this shirt is right for tearing off :devil:
look what's trying to make an appearance
Keppler you have to understand this is my Ward
oh goodie I get to go digging
it must have been cold out I'll keep you warm Nick :devil:
you can follow me into the ward but remember no touching :D these wardgirls are mine :p

allmaple it's nice to see you posting in the theme again because we get your secert stash of big pics :) Let me know earlier when you're coming to Toronto as I can give you the address to the store so you can come for a visit. :)
aw thanks sweets! but, do you carry rat toys? ;) pixie is very specific about the toys she likes, but i want to get some new ones for the boys. they dont seem to like their wooden chew toys :lol:
oh sure, the caps come out after i made my two posts :( :lol: he does look tiny next to keppler doesnt he? i think liev is 6'3" or so.

you know, hes just asking for it when he wears a shirt with snapping buttons. then you dont have to worry about popping a button off when you go in for the kill :devil:
momma left late to come get me, so im going to spend my time waiting for her with nicky :D
Yes allmaple we do carry rat toys. We carry apple sticks which make for a very nice chew toy. We also carry lots of catnip toys for dear pixie :) And yes that dome fastener shirt.... :devil: When I saw that I said yes that had to be posted. :devil:

softcake a very subtle package but a nice delivery nontheless :p
Jacquie :devil: so many open shirts *hmmm* i´m nervos :lol: you kill me with the pics.

Yurek yeah :D i missed you, come back and make you´re funny commentarys we need this :lol: and stay ;)
thnx for the welcomes back. I had a great time, to bad the weather was not that nice but okay. I didn't had to miss CSI its also on tv over there :). I will join in the next theme again.
Yes Stoky what can I say but I like the open neck shirts :devil: The things my hand can do... :devil: I'll leave it there before Destiny comes with her hose :D

Your turn McStokes :)
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