George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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I'll see what I got for this theme later today. From a quick look, most are already taken. Right now I got to try to fix Microsoft Word, which somehow got screwed up.

McStokes be glad your tooth is a work related injury and is probably covered by insurance. My neice broke her tooth at school for the third time. First time dental insurence covered it, second time the dentist covered it out of pocket. This time they said go to medical insurence because it happened on school grounds and we've just been denied because we didn't take her to the emergency room (took her to the dentist instead). Wish this kid would stop leading with her face.

Living in this house in never ending problems. If it's not the computer, it's the people. :mad:

I hear ya Blackflag that's one of the good things about this job...the benefits.

Softcake I resolve to spread the Nicky-goodness throughout the world for New Years! Maybe I'll torture everyone I arrest by nattering on constantly about CSI!
Stoky that picture always creeps me out! It makes me think Nick's having some really, really WRONG thoughts! :lol:
McStokes i think also :lol: but it´s ok when i can see that are you´re laughing again ;)

that picture always creeps me out! It makes me think Nick's having some really, really WRONG thoughts!
Yeah, but...there's just something about the look on his face in that pic that'!

His face looks rubbery! <ducks from flying pillows for blaspheming!> :eek:
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