I have nothing to say tonight except that on-screen Gary romance and stuff is shockingly lacking and it's about time!!! and bloody hell, just how many more actresses can my poor heart stand being jealous over and survive?!?!!!! :scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:
That is all.
update (because I don't want to double post):
right, so, I'm capable of *some* level of brain function now.... some.... not that I'm complaining about the cause of the lack of it mind you
And I found an interview he did before the Ft. Campbell concert this past weekend, and me being me, I got stills.... because he's just so damn gorgeous and adorable and HOT!
I just want to *running-tackle-hug* him!!! :adore::devil::adore:
*melts* :adore::adore::adore::adore::adore:
wearing his shirt in very Austin-like manner there, Gary
I like :hugegrin:
oh that neck....!!!!! :drool::devil::drool:
I will positively die of grinning happy *melty* awww/:drool::devil::drool: one of these days, and it will be all HIS fault!!!
And with that, good night everybody!