*Runs in
feeling rotten since beeing off awhile! *
Hello! Gosh I'm so out what you've been talking! :lol: We are preparing a show since we're high school seniors and I tried to catch two days teachers! :lol: (believe it wasn't as easy as I thought!

)And now I have the fun part in front "editing"

So it's been a busy week but thank god it's weekend!
WILDCAT! :thumbsup: I see
Blue already mentioned telling the rules and since
Jools is somewhere else, *calls her* hopefully feeling betten and having a good time with our marines I'll tell you something for a start and Jools can add if I 'probably will' forget something! :lol:
1) Bring a lot of buckets with you. We don't wanna hear too much *thuds* since the floor is slippery. :lol: Although it's still happening but blame this man's hotness cause we tend to get distracted and forget to mop before we leave.

2) Share picures if you had'em. It doesn't matter if they are already posted here once. We will never get tired to see this man!
3) We are quite colourful group here. So don't be shocked about what are we saying. (Jools will tell you more about this subject...:guffaw

4) But most of all. Have fun here. Ask if you don't understand something or send some of us PM (private massege). We are ready to help.
Huh! I think there's something. You know I think I should save these "rules" somewhere so I don't need to write it over and over again! :lol:
Lisa: Thanks for posting that cute pic from Crime Story! :drool: I've watched that couple times now from youtube and I love it more and more! Gary is sooooooo cute there! :luvlove:I'd wanna hug him when he's interrogated. He looks so scared and vulnerable....My heart always melts when I look at him! :adore:
Blue, thanks for reminding me and thanks a lot for posting that pic!

I haven't seen that before. He looks handsome! But on the other hand doesn't he always!?! :lol::drool:
Sorry but what 'naked scene' are you guys talking about?!?

:devil: *mind goes to somewhere....:evil:* 20 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!

*faints for just thinking about it!* :guffaw:
I read that interview. I liked that a lot.

Especially that comedy part where Gary said: " Hey, don't laugh. I'd like to do a light comedy." I can imagine that moment! :lol: But I'd lvoe to see him playing one....It would be so different, but I'm sure he would be good in it. Knowing that he's not "that serious person" as some think.
Originally Posted by
i will if it's ok with the mods, i don't want to go doing anything that's not allowed!
Lisa, we would never force you to do that :angel: evil things....
but we can ask for ....:angel:
Yes we would never "force"....but evil thing when it comes to this man...well if you ask me it's hard to not refuse! :guffaw:
Indeed we ask for....:angel: *fingers crossed*
Okey I didn't come without a 'present' so two pics!