I got one!
I got one!
Gary #7: He's Hotter Than Fire Itself.
I just thought of another one.
Gary #7: Too Sexy For Words
I'm on a roll.
Gary #7: David Caruso Eat Your Heart Out.
And still going.
Gary #7: Gary Sinise-The New Definition of Sexy.
OK...I just hit a dry patch. In simple terms...I just ran out of ideals.
My dry spell just ended.
Gary #7: He Makes David Caruso Wish He Had As Many Female Fans.
Gary #7: The Ladies Of Talk CSI Can't Get Enough Of Him.
Gary #7: This Thread Wouldn't Exist Without Gary Sinise.
Gary #7: If You Don't Think He's Hot...You Need Glasses.
Gary #7: Watch Us Drool.
Gary #7: One Word--SEXY.
That's all the serious ones.
I couldn't resist throwing this one in.
This one is a joke not to be taken serious--> Gary #7: Cause Carolyn333 is having so much fun coming up with these.