Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

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MacsLady: did you see the shower scene in Imposter? YUMMY! :drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :devil: :evil:
I did, it was :drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::evil::evil::evil::devil::devil::devil:. I also really like the scene where he's running away and he's shirtless and all sweaty, yummmmmmmmmmmmy.:drool::drool::drool:

AngelTaylor, that pic is delicious. Yummy!:drool: Yeah, I'm gonna need an ambulance AGAIN....
Fruitbat: how good is M2M, because I never saw it? :wtf:

i just watched is a pretty good movie. It did very well in the box office when it came out too. So if you like space/sci fi movies, you will probably like it.

One of my all time fave movies overall is Forrest Gump. I saw it when i was 10, and it is still one of my faves...such a good movie. Love the soundtrack too.
I've only seen M2M once but I loved it! I really need to get the DVD :lol: I love the story behind Gary's charater even though the ending is quite sad :)


Ok my fav Gary film....Split between Ransom and Of Mice and Men (probably because he is in nearly every scene :lol:)


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I did, it was :drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::evil::evil::evil::devil::devil::devil:. I also really like the scene where he's running away and he's shirtless and all sweaty, yummmmmmmmmmmmy.:drool::drool::drool:

AngelTaylor, that pic is delicious. Yummy!:drool: Yeah, I'm gonna need an ambulance AGAIN....[/quote]

MacsLady: didn't Mac/Gary, sing in the Imposter? :wtf:
Fruitbat: how good is M2M, because I never saw it? :wtf:

As xfcanadian said its a Sci/Fi film. If your not into science fiction you may not like it.

In the year 2020 AD, a mission is launched whose goal is to carry humans to Mars for the first time. The mission's four crew members, upon arriving on the planet, discover a mysterious geologic formation While attempting to scan the formation with radar, a large vortex forms around the structure, which envelopes and kills the mission's crew. Only the mission's commander, survived.

After receiving Commander Graham's garbled message informing of his crewmembers' deaths, the Earth command center hastily dispatches another Mars mission. Woodrow "Woody" Blake (Tim Robbins) and Jim McConnell (Gary Sinise) are part of the rescue party.

Jim was to have been the original Mars Mission captain until he pulled himself from the program when his wife became ill, unfortunately she died and the higher ups have some concerns that Jim is up to handling the rescue mission, but mission Commander Woody Blake convinces them Jim is the best person qualified for the job.

Film starts off as a rescue mission then they uncover a mystery on Mars.

Natty thanks for the pic of Gary as Jim from M2M, and the pics from OMAM are lovely:drool:
well there you are fruitbat, lol, Did you hear me yelling for you in the other one? lol.

natty; as always thanks for the drool pics :D
Favorite movie? Hhhhmmm...let me think... I can't choose between Ransom and Impostor. They were both great...:drool:
MacsLady: AngelTaylor, that pic is delicious. Yummy!:drool: Yeah, I'm gonna need an ambulance AGAIN....

The pic is from Ransom, deleted scenes. :thumbsup: Can you believe it? Scences with Gary deleted...:wtf:
That's very bad! Gary scenes should never be deleted. This is the appropriate smiley for whoever made that decision, I think - :scream:

MellyFan, yes Gary did sing in Imposter, I thought it was really cute!
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