Game: Brain Freezers

LostSoul, I'll have to give you that one, even though that was not the answer I had in mind. As I have said before, there might be more than one answer to these questions. I am going to keep this question going for a while longer.
Good guess, but NO. Even though it stays in the same location, the board actually moves up and down. Whereas stairs go up and down, but does not move. (Unless a VERY heavy person uses them.) Let's give this question a little while longer before giving up.
Somebody is going to kick themself in the posterior when the answer is told. I promise to tell the answer a little later if it is not guessed. I would hate to spoil the holidays by making you suffer without knowing it.

By the way, if you promise not to peak at the answers, I have all these questions on a website at Test 1. You can print it directly from the website or download a Microsoft Word version. That way, you can pass it around to friends, relatives, and co-workers to torment them, too. Enjoy.
That is another good answer that was not considered before. I must add these. The answer that I read years ago is...
TEMPERATURE. (Now some people will start argueing that the mercury in a thermometer moves, but that just displays the temperature reading in an instrument). Time for another question.

My cousin Waldo can accurately guess the score of a soccer game before the game begins. How can that be?
Correct, SpinLizard.

How could you rearrange the letters in the words "new door" to make one word? Note: There is only one correct answer.
one word (n e w d o o r) Do i have to explain better? you rearrange letters and you get "one word"
Correct, Dawacko.

When a carpenter starts a new house, where does he strike the first nail?
That could be an answer. But that is not the answer. You really don't think it would be that simple.