Game: Brain Freezers

I'm just brainstorming out loud so feel free to ignore this post...

Round like an apple = Hmm, probably not symmetrical or "perfect" roundness

Deep like a cup = Hmmm, deep...

yet all the king's horses can't pull it up! = Totally up in the air here, but I'm going to say that its probably metaphorically impossible to pull it up, so its either A) impossible to pull up because its not an actual object or B) something about the object makes it impossible to do anything with


Reaching those thoughts and conclusions, I'm going to guess ... a hole??
We are not counting, so just have fun pondering! :)

Little Nancy Etticoat,
in a white petticoat
and a red nose.
The longer she stands,
the shorter she grows.

I think this is quite an easy one.
Oh sorry, I totally forgot to post the answer because my Internet connection broke down and I had to post about an hour later. The answer was a hole or a well, doesn't make much difference. And freak got the right answer again! ;)

Candle is right.

:D Shall I give you the next answer now and you want to find the appropriate riddle to it? Haha, that would be weird!

What's red and smells like yellow paint?
That's the right question to my question ;)

Oh oh, I think I'm running out of riddles.. Got a last one:

What do the poor have?
What are the rich missing?
What is greater than God and
more evil than the Devil?
Yep, saraholic, that's right. :)

Now I hope somebody else is going to post some riddles and brain freezers. I want to torture my brain, too.
YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I GOT ONE!!!!!!!!!! :D

I've got one. It might've been done before, but:

What can go up a chimney down, but can't go down a chimney up??????