G.A.S. is as Great As S..

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CSI Level Two
So I looked for threads "active in the last year" and I couldn't find one for the Exalted One.

Anyway, I wanted to start this one (feel free to change the thread title, mods) coz I just finished reading the concert review on the front page and I'm just amazed at the stuff he's been doing. I usually just give a passing glance at actors' backgrounds but with his, I find myself actually wanting to know more and more and more. It's awesome that he's taking the extra mile to really help a lot of people and touching their lives. Effectively raising funds, spreading awareness, giving his time...and he's not bad-looking, too :D

Did I make sense? Forgive me, I still find myself rather dazed after spending more than 13 hours waiting for Neil Gaiman to sign my book (dude, I was like, the LAST one to get the signing pass) from Saturday before lunch 'til after 1am on Sunday :eek:
Gary Sinise does rock. It always amazes me when someone with that much talent takes what he's given and uses it to give back to a good cause.

And yes, he is rather good looking, isn't he? ;)
goddamn! did you really have to use the acronym for the thread´s name? :lol:

yes, he is rather good looking but more then that he has that certain charisma...he´s very interesting...fascinating...ok, i´m starting ot ramble here :D
I've been a fan of Gary for 11 years, since I first saw "Forrest Gump" in the theater. Not only is he wildly talented as an actor and director, he also thinks beyond the tip of his nose gives generously of his time and resources. He's just a class act.

Of course, it would be shallow of me to mention that all that goodness is comes wrapped up in a package better than Christmas. So I won't mention it. Nope. Not me. Won't catch me saying the man is so gorgeous he makes my ovaries dance the Macarena.

Besides, a picture's worth a thousand words anyway...



Oh, I might have one or two piccies laying around here somewhere, Bitten... Let's seeeeeee.... *rummage rummage*





Damn, he seems to have lost his shirt in that one! I hate when that happens. I mean, when he only loses the shirt...
Oh to be that towel... :lol:

Well...so we don't careen totally off into the gutter (cause I know how we all hate when that happens :D) what's everyone's favorite Gary movie? Mine's "The Stand" obviously, although I heartily enjoy "Of Mice and Men" and "It's The Rage." "Of Mice and Men" is utterly beautiful, I love how it sticks so closely to the book. "It's The Rage" is one of those quirky movies that likes to make a serious point amidst rather absurd moments.
I know "Forrest Gump" is probably his best-known role outside "CSI: NY" but while I love Lt. Dan, "Gump" is not my favorite movie. I'm totally an "Of Mice and Men" gal. It really took me by surprise because I'm not a Steinbeck fan but the story was so beautifully told and perfectly acted. Gary didn't feel the need to trick it up -- he just let it unfold as if Steinbeck were sitting in the room reading the book itself. The few things he did change remained true in spirit to the book. It's gorgeous, and makes me wish Gary would direct more films.

I also adore "A Midnight Clear" and "It's the Rage," which should have received a lot more attention than it did.

See, Bitten -- I got through a whole post without dipping into the gutter once. Aren't you proud? :D
Yes, dylan, I just *had* to use his initials :devil:

Smackdown, you're my new hero! I can't believe I'm saying this but those toes, maaaan. :eek: *Drools*

I've only seen seven of his features and I like Impostor the most because of the hotness alone :devil: but I view Of Mice & Men as his best effort so far.
Aww, good sMacdown, good! Here's a treat...

Evil Bitten! You know I won't be able to contain myself for long if you do that! Especially not when you post one of my all-time favorite pictures!


And Ranma, you're right. Even his toes are pretty.
No, I won't do it! I will not succumb! He's a fine actor! An inspired director! A family man! A humanitarian!

He is NOT pure unadulterated seething walking sex! He's not!

You're going to have to work harder than that to corrupt me. I'm in a clean place now. *Ooooooohm*
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