Twelve seasons of CSI and I've never really cringed or squirmed at anything they've shown... that is until last night's episode.
Things like sword swallowing, contortionists, becoming a human pincushion have always irked me out, I had a similar reaction to Nick in the scene exhibiting the 'freaks'. I've never understood how people can do that to themselves for entertainment, it just creeps me out. Part of that comes from my dislike of needles, piercings and acupuncture I suppose. Oh, and just when I thought I couldn't get any more uncomfortable, they find a nipple in the guy's stomach. :shifty: :lol:
Saying that I really liked how the episode sent a message of morality without going too over the top, I thought the interview scene with the Elephant Man were great. Also loved that Catherine's arc is being pushed forwards again, I liked how she recounted past experiences and I did love her conversation with DB at the beginning of the episode.
I kind of figured out the killer early on, but purely for the fact that the 'relative wanting to free the victim from a bad lifestyle' killing has been done several times over the series and in other shows. I think if I was a new CSI watcher I wouldn't have guessed it as easily.
Oh and a big thumbs up for Morgan still being a bit in shock as well, mainly for the continuity from CSI Down but also I like that they don't seem to be going down the Riley 'rargh! I'm so tough' route. Loved how everyone was discussing the source of the painting and she just sneaks away and finds the answer without any of them noticing. :lol:
Despite the story not being the strongest ever and my dislike of (without meaning to be derogatory) 'self-mutilation', I enjoyed the episode, it was an improvement of last week but still not the best of the season yet. I also don't think it needed a B-case. I give it a
Oh, and just because I say it after every episode, I seriously love Season 12 at the moment and I'm particularly looking forward to the next two episodes.