Fox's Return Is Confirmed

CSI Files

Sara is coming back.<p><font color=yellow>Jorja Fox</font> (Sara Sidle) bid farewell to <I>CSI: Crime Scene Investigation</I> after the episode <A class="link" HREF="">"Goodbye and Good Luck"</a> midway through season eight. Fox said she would <A class="link" HREF="">return</a> to the show at some point, but she could not reveal when that would be. It was later <A class="link" HREF="">stated</a> that Sara wouldn't be back in season eight.<p><A class="link" HREF="">Ausiello</a> is now reporting that Sara's return will happen sooner than expected. Fox has signed a deal to appear in the season nine premiere this fall. <font color=yellow>Ausiello</font> confirmed that Fox "won't be appearing in a flashback." The specific details of the comeback, however, are unclear.<p>Warrick Brown (<font color=yellow>Gary Dourdan</font>), who was shot in the season finale, is also set to return in the fall. In the latest issue of <A class="link" HREF="">TV Guide</a>, executive producer <font color=yellow>Carol Mendelsohn</font> said Dourdan would be back, but "not just in flashbacks."<p>The original news is from <A class="link" HREF="">Ausiello</a>. Check out next week's issue of <A class="link" HREF="">TV Guide</a> for more information about Fox's return to <I>CSI</I>.<center></center>
I'm guessing Ausiello is right--we'll probably see Warrick rushed to the hospital and Sara rushes back to Vegas in time to be there when he dies.

It would definitely give more closure to Warrick's death.
This is the best news for Jorja Fox fans that could ever be, HALLELUJAH it's been a long haul and a part of the heart of the show has been missing since she's been gone, it would be like one of your favs. leaving and then returning, you'd be thrilled too:thumbsup:I'll bet they offered her a sweet deal, and on Warrick, he's returning CM says not dying:wtf:I just always felt she would, and the naysayers hiss-boo, sorry if your not happy, but her millions of fans are "over the moon"
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and on Warrick, he's returning CM says not dying

where does it say not dying? it says 'not just in flashbacks'. they could put him in a body bag, do his autopsy, nick could run out of the diner in time for the 'gut-wrenching death scene'. none of those are flashbacks.

that would be terribly tacky for warrick to survive long enough to die in the hospital after sara comes back. since she has left her job i dont see her investigating it at all, the funeral must bring her back.
Sure, Gary will be back, but I agree there will be a death scene. As far as I know, he doesn't have any living relatives, so I'll bet it will be Grissom who makes the decision to pull the plug. Either that or Warrick will throw a clot and die.

I'm good with Sara coming back to the team as long as she and Grissom don't make googly eyes and play kissy face with each another.
I'll be shocked if Warrick doesn't die, but then, I didn't expect him to be back, either.

It's definitely a good thing to have Sara come back to say goodbye to Warrick, or to be with the team and/or Grissom.
It says she will be back in the Premier, doesn't mean she will be back. It would be nice to have her back, but please, please don't shove GSR down our throats. I'm so over it.

Although I'll take GSR over Nick dating the waitress who is young enough to be his daughter. Yes, I'll GSR over that. Okay bring on GSR. At least Grissom and Sara had an intelligent relationship.
Well, it's the star and him being a producer, that would be the ones who are "shoving GSR" down ones throats" & I would highly suspect that WP with his clout had alot to do with her coming back, they didn't lead the fans up to the "Lets gets married" to just let it end there, Jorja and him are real life friends, and with his influence, "Hey I'm conming back, so you are too" possible scenerio. It's been happening for the whole show, and to others some feel that "other ships" are being shoved down ones throats, that's their view and opinion, and they are both intelligent at least this is legitimate, meaning it's been there throughout the whole 8 seasons! and like the writer Allen McDonald, the writer on CSI stated that GSR is true love and their "soulmates" and the hugh fan base hopes to see a wedding in the future. On the waitress, I was to busy paying attention to Warrick and the other cast members to hardly notice some girl in a diner, and to me this, was irrevelant, but if Nick decides to pursue some girl, more power to him, regardless of the age:wtf: I'm just thrilled to have our girl Sara back:bolian:
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When is William taking time off to to that play? Maybe that's why Sara's coming back, maybe she'll be the replacement for Grissom while he's doing whatever he'll be doing in the little adventure he goes on in the world of CSI.
NOPE, his play that he'll be leaving CSI for temporarily, will run from Nov.13 to Dec. 21st, and CSI begins Sept. 18!

I'm intrigued.

It'll be interesting to see how they do this in September. They were pretty vague, so I wouldn't get excited yet about GSR/Warrick not dead/whatever.

I'd be surprised if Sara came back to stay, it just seems so inconsistent with where she was. If they do a "Riding off into the sunset with Grissom," I think I'll puke.

That would be inconsistent with Grissom and Sara's characters. Note that the entire GSR situation has been rather understated. Up until their very last scene together, there were no overt PDA's. The most was in "Empty Eyes" at the end when Grissom wiped away Sara's tear. Then, there was the carress of her arm at the crime scene that set Natalie off. Other than that final Kiss, there was nothing so overt. I know this isn't "Shipper Central" so I'll leave it at that, but I can't see her coming back for good.

Ditto Warrick. He got shot in the neck and once more, perhaps in the chest or head. (I can't believe the Undersheriff is that bad of a shot). If it's not fatal, it would probably be permanently debilitating. Don't forget that Gary Dourdan is still facing charges of drug posession. He does have to resolve that, I'd imagine, before any decisions are made.

I can see Sara coming back, worried about Warrick, with a bedside vigil thing happenning, or for Warrick's funeral.

However, we'll see in the fall. Until then, I'm reserving judgment.
I would not hold my breath for the permanent return of Sara Sidle to CSI. Granted, I hold nothing against her and do agree (to a point) that her character is missed on CSI. However, everyone must face the facts regarding Jorja Fox:

1. Her contract has been up, and, from what I garner, it was a voluntary move on her part, so I highly doubt she's going to want back on the show.

2. They've already scripted and cast a replacement-type character for her. Again, I do not think they would have done this if she were coming back for good.

My guess is that they're going to bring her back strictly for Warrick's funeral, and, hopefully, for some closure to her relationship with Grissom. I for one hope that she does not stick around, just because I feel that this would go against her character and would be counterproductive to the advancement of CSI as a show. As it evolves, it's only natural that not all the original people would wish to stay, and I think bringing her back would be a mistake.

As far as the thing with Warrick goes, he could be back in many ways that aren't flashbacks, as aforementioned. I do not believe that there would be a dramatic rush to the hospital scene because Warrick is dead. He got shot through the neck and through the head. He would never had made it to the arrival of the paramedics, let alone to the hospital. And let's not forget that Gary Dourdan, his drug arrest aside, also did not renew his contract (or was fired--I'm not sure if they've ever said which), meaning that I can't see him having a long, drawn-out death in a hospital with the team hovering over him. It's never been CSI's style to do things that way. It will, however, be interesting to see how long they can drag out the storyline of the corrupt Undersherriff, because I could easily see that going beyond the premier and being an arc throughout the beginning part of the season. I look forward to seeing where this goes in the fall.
If they bring Sarah back for Warrick's funeral I will applaud the continuity.
It always bugs me when there's a big event on a show (wedding, funeral etc) and there's never a mention of previously departed characters who should have shown up.
You know, and please don't bash me for this, but it would be a really interesting twist and intriguing writing by TPTB if Warrick didn't die, but the gutwrenching death was Sara's. Bet no one would see that coming!
I'm really interested to see what happens now, although I think this has only been put out now for us to all talk and get hyped up about the premier, I mean last year it was will Sara die/survive etc, and I mean most people assume Warrick is dead, so there's not as much talk about that, especially as we kinda knew Gary Dourdan was leaving.

Although it's great to see that she'll return, even if for just an episode or 2 (although I wish it was longer).

And it'd be the most awful thing if it was Sara to die, that's a horrible thought lol...