for Harry Potter fans

I wish that the movie was in November, but it's not like I have nothing to do, so I can live with it. Melissa Anelli's book comes out next week, and I've been waiting for that, so that's taken the place of the "HP fix". And then with the new trailer, I'm pretty much okay with it.
YAY, a new trailer! Thanks so much for posting. I can't wait for the new movie. Does anybody know the airdate? Anyway, I'm gonna have to re-read the 6th book, because it looks like I forgot a lot of things.
Actually, I'm talking about the entire trailer.
Why did they add new scenes? JK should have said no to that... Anyway... I want to see Ron and Hermione kiss so badly! And I just can't wait to see Dumbledore (my favourite character) in the cave and after that. I'm pretty sure it'll be heartwrenching.
Liked the new trailer, too. Although I have to agree with you, TwickoTweet. I just don't get why they have to add scenes when they cut out perfectly good ones from the book?

Anyway, I'm going to cry so hard at the end of this film. And it's not just because Dumbledore will die but also because Snape has to be the one to kill him. When I read that part I knew that Snape wasn't evil and just hated Dumbledore (in that moment) for making him to it.
Oooooo.... new trailer. Comments:

-Harry/Ginny kiss teaser. Oh, this is going to be a good movie.
-There's a quick shot of Snape whipping around as the Death Eaters light Hagrid's house on fire. To me it almost looked like a "What are you doing?" look. Poor Snape. (Never thought I'd ever say that, really.)
-I still laugh at "But I am the Chosen One".
-Bewitched. Ron. Is. Perfect.
the trailer's great :thumbsup: haha that scene with Harry and Hermione stills cracks me up "but i am the chosen one" :lol:
i'm a huge Harry Potter fan and it sucks that this thread doesn't get alot more action, it'd be fun :bolian: but apparently Harry Potter and CSI do not go hand in hand =) so i just thought i'd post a couple of other places i go on which would be really cool for you guys to check out, that is, if you haven't already :) is a wonderful HP forum, probably the best one out there, it would be great if a few of you could join =]

and this is honestly the best place for getting information on the world of HP daily :) especially new trailers and stills:

i agree with love_fan and TwickoTweet they add so many scenes that aren't in the book but leave out so many that are even though they'd make sense :confused:

also thought i'd share a rumor that's been circulating if you haven't heard it already. as we know the Deathly Hallows movie will be in two parts that are 6 months apart, but it's RUMORED that the movie will split at the part in the book where harry dives into that pond to retrieve the sword of Godric Griffindor and Ron comes back. which is a little under half-way in, so i hope they don't leave alot out in this movie :rolleyes:

P.S. Has anybody read The Tales of Beedle the Bard ??
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