"For Gedda" Season Finale Discussion *SPOILERS*

racefh853629 said:
The part with the waitress was setting up Nick's relationship for next season, and probably allowing Warrick to be alone. Anyone else think it was strange he had a toothpick in his mouth the entire time, though?

I don't know about the relationship, maybe it was just a diversion so that Nick stayed after Warrick had left? I hope so at least. The toothpick thing didn't do much for me. Reminded me of some guys I went to high school with though! :lol:
All I can say is Holy Crap!

As soon as McKeane showed up I knew something hinky was goin on....but is that diner that loud that Nick couldn't hear a gun being fired? More than once?

I just hope they get to show the affects of this on everyone. Especially Nick....me thinks he's gonna be a man on a mission to get the under sheriff

One more thing...when did Ecklie get a heart? He's all get a lawyer...giving Grissom his reports.....sure he was snarky to Cath but he is Ecklie. I was shocked by that.

Oh, and Nick using Hodges as a test subject....awesome!
One more thing...when did Ecklie get a heart? He's all get a lawyer...giving Grissom his reports.....sure he was snarky to Cath but he is Ecklie. I was shocked by that.

I kinda think he gained one after the events of Grave Danger. He didn't seem to be as big of a thorn in Grissom's side after that. Mostly then, it was Undersherriff McKeen. I mean, Ecklie even was willing to help Grissom as much as he could after he found out about Sara, and had wondered why Grissom didn't go to him sooner for help. I think GD changed a lot of that.
As soon as McKeane showed up I knew something hinky was goin on....but is that diner that loud that Nick couldn't hear a gun being fired? More than once?

Well, McKeane didn't seem too concerned about the noise while he was standing there firing the gun. Then he wiped it down and tossed it into the car. Maybe he's going to be the "first on the scene" since he was on his way to meet them for dinner.
Smokey said:
Well, McKeane didn't seem too concerned about the noise while he was standing there firing the gun. Then he wiped it down and tossed it into the car. Maybe he's going to be the "first on the scene" since he was on his way to meet them for dinner.

Good point! I didn't think about that and completely forgot he said he was going to join them for dinner.
As soon as McKeane showed up I knew something hinky was goin on....but is that diner that loud that Nick couldn't hear a gun being fired? More than once?

Well, McKeane didn't seem too concerned about the noise while he was standing there firing the gun. Then he wiped it down and tossed it into the car. Maybe he's going to be the "first on the scene" since he was on his way to meet them for dinner.

I hadn't thought of that...sounds plausible....

They had better catch the dude quickly next season....and I want Nicky to be the one to do it.
Knowing now that the undersheriff was the mole - I now realize why he was the one out of all those involved who didn't do his part of the deal back in that Keppler episode (redrum) when they were trying to catch the mob guy.
I was so shocked when Warrick was shot. I mean, I knew something was going to happen when Warrick was walking to his car, like the car blowing up, or Pritchard waiting for him, or something like that. Then I saw the undersheriff and I was like "oh it's okay. He seemed good."

And then there was the shot. Originally I thought it was Pritchard shooting the undersheriff and then I saw the hole in Warrick's neck. I was screaming profanity at this point. Then the undersheriff finished him off. So sad. I'm gonna miss Warrick. Why did it have to be him? I mean I know that the whole character-in-peril-only-to-be-saved-later thing is getting old and a death would shake things up, but Warrick was such a sweetie. I didn't want him to die. Sara on the other hand...I won't get into that.

Wow kaylyne I totally forgot about that Keppler episode (mind you I try to forget about season 7 as much as possible). Man that Undersheriff is a sleeze. I noticed that there was forshadowing when Warrick said that it would have to be someone higher up than a beat cop to take out Gedda...and he was right.
I saw it coming months ago. :(

I just wish I'd been wrong.

And Ecklie has had a heart for a long time. They showed it in A La Cart.

I'm sooooo sad.
Oh man. I haven't watched CSI in awhile, but me and my mom had to see this episode.

I can't believe they did that! I mean, I saw it coming near the end. But Warrick... ;_; I'm aaaangry, first Speed, Now HIM. Gaaaaaah.
racefh853629 said:
The part with the waitress was setting up Nick's relationship for next season, and probably allowing Warrick to be alone. Anyone else think it was strange he had a toothpick in his mouth the entire time, though?

I don't know about the relationship, maybe it was just a diversion so that Nick stayed after Warrick had left? I hope so at least. The toothpick thing didn't do much for me. Reminded me of some guys I went to high school with though! :lol:

Some guys that I went to high school with :guffaw: That's probably so we'll buy the Nick dating such a young girl.

OMFG is all I can say about that ending. I'm thinking Nick will be the one to find him. And lets remember that Nick did ask Warrick to go for a beer, but Warrick said no, so Nick did not leave Warrick behind. Besides Warrick told Nick to stay and go after the red head.

I don't think Warrick is dead, but he could be disabled some how by the shooting and can't work anymore.

Oh, September is a long way away.
I'm sick, crying and in shock as are my family members to post anything else right now, WHY, did they do this?
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I thought the end was overdone a bit.
cuddling team scene way before the end? sure means trouble.
Warrick walking to his car in a dark damp lonely back alley behind the restaurant? I have never seen that one on TV before
the undersherrif walking through said lonely back alley to the restaurant? wouldn't he drive a car and park somewhere in the front, near the entrance? I smell trouble
his talking about how great a csi warrick is? classic villain-dialogue
the shot was absolutely no surprise for me, especially with the knowledge that lots of people suspected the undersherriff (did TPTB really think it was that huge a revelation?)

As soon as they had him out of danger with 10 minutes to go, I knew he was doomed (apart from the whole funeral foreshadowing)

I wonder if this ending will really keep fans interested all over the summer. because some people will think he's definitely dead, then it's clear what's to come: investigation and shocking reveal of the real mole
some think he'll survive: then he'll have medical issues, and won't be a CSI anymore.

Given the fact that GD left the show, the odds are in favour of scenario 1, with the possibility of a guest starring at the beginning of S9 (like they did with Kate on NCIS)
I think that would be a cheap rip-off though, so to me it seems pretty clear what's about to happen
New spoilers might change that but this is my perspective from right after the show with no additional information.

Does it keep me thrilled and eager for new episodes all summer? meh.

I liked the scene with Hodges, Nick and Grissom (was Hodges feeling a little too comfy in Nick's hug?) and Warrick hugging Grissom (his face was priceless :lol:)
I haven't posted a review of an episode for a long time.

Let me just say, the ending was so unexpected. But you got the feeling in the diner that something was going down. I mean they couldn't leave a finale with the crew all having dinner together, no that would have been too neat and tidy.
I did like seeing the team together eating and laughing. I proves they are all human and like to hang out together not just work together.

And let me just say, ever since Redrum, I have always thought the undersheriff was dirty. Something about him didn't sit well with me. :wtf:
All signs were starting to point to him when Grissom mentioned to Warrick about a dirty cop and Warrick said that it has to be someone else higher up than just a beat cop.

Overall, this episode was good, the case against Warrick was weak, but the ending was the huge suprise. :eek: I totally didn't see that coming.

September is not going to come soon enough.