Flack/Monroe #2 - It's a Block Party Thing!

I know I don't post here very often, but I'm a multi-shipper like Rad. I've been reading a lot of good FM stories lately, and I love the appeal of this pairing. I think they would have made a good pair too, even though I'm a D/L shipper. But FM is starting to appeal to me now, and there needs to be a few more stories out there. The ones there now seem to have Flack as Lindsay's back up man, the one she turns to when her and Danny break up. The one I'm really enjoying right now over at ff.net is a competition between Flack and Danny over Lindsay. And I have to say I'm cheering for Flack in this fic! Here's the link if anyone is interested: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3171945/1/
It's called Country Girl, City Boys. I'm liking it a lot.
Catey, glad to see you here. Isn't multishipping the best ever? I personally am rooting for FM Radio if DL doesn't work out. The two of them need to get in a banter soon, and when they do, the screen would no doubt explode with sarcasm.

I've read a lot of good FM Radio fics, and I wrote one or two of them. If your interested, I'll send you a link... ;)
I've read a few chapters of Country Girl, City Boys. And I liked it too. I know the ease of making Flack the back up guy but sometimes I'm ok with that. Since we can't avoid the DL effect we can use it to our advantage. And depending on how its done it brings in a nice level of angst. ;)
Isn't there a song called Country Girl and City Boys? Or something like that.

Catey! OMG. Your here too? Welcome to the fun FM Radio thread, we're glad your here.

I never read that fic, whats it about?
First time posting here, although I do sometimes come in here and check out the posts. Okay I admitted it...I'm a lurker ;)

I must say that I do enjoy this pairing. I've always viewed them as good friends. This ship appeals to me as well. I'm a hard-core DL shipper (if that wasn't evident enough :lol:) but I do like Lindsay and Flack.

I could definitely see them horse-back riding and ice skating. Two great activities to participate in.
aww your a lurker of FM.. aww. *writes this down for future blackmail purposes*

thats nice of you to say hun and welcome we hope you drop by more :)

I'd push Flack down on purpose to be honest.
Still here from time to time. Have to work on burning out my other obessions for awhile.

I always thought we had some lurkers. Couldn't have as many hits if there wasn't any. **hugs the lurkers** Your good people!

It's ok dl_shipper34 **pats on your head** we still like you anyway. And yeah they could be good friends we just happen to think they could be so much more if given the chance. ;) So enjoy FM and go read a few stories and tell us what you think (if your brave enough) :lol:
^^Thanks hun :) y'all can call me Stuffy.

I hope there are more Lindsay/Flack cases in season four. I enjoy them on-screen together. Danny/Lindsay/Flack would be awesome as well.

DL will always be my OTP, but Lindsay and Flack rock :D
Stuffy? Sounds like Nutty (that's me, for the new folks). I think that's such a cute nickname, tho. :D

I was wondering if any of y'all wonderful peeparonis would be willing to answer another question for me: Okay, so I'm still stuck on the wedding chapter of my FM fic and at the moment, I have nothing to push me forward. I have no idea where the better place to hold it would be, New York or Montana; what their first song to dance to would be; and, the most important thing, what food and drinks will they have -- as in casual or fancy, classic or modern, etc.

I'm asking the shippers' opinions because I'm trying to make it as realistic and in character as it would be if the writers ever got Confunded by Neville for me and wrote them together. As avid fans of this couple and these characters, I was hoping to get some new insight. TIA. :D

Does anyone else have a song, or songs, that just screams FM Radio to them? I do: "1000 Miles" (OK Go), "Because of You" (Ne Yo), and "Waiting" (Trapt). Hmm . . . I should go create an "unmentionable" (wink wink). :p


Edit: Is it time to start thinking of a new thread name yet? If it is, I have a suggestion or two: "The Good Wine" or "We'll Always Have the Water Tower" (this in relation to that episode as well as the OK Go song mentioned above). Check them out. Love them, hate them. Don't care. :cool:
OK Stuffy. And any cases or scenes with them in it make it better but yeah my favorite threesome is DLF.

Csicat I think we have talked about this before and even between the rest of us it was sort of a split decision is I remember correctly on where people thought the wedding would be. Today I'm feeling the NY wedding with small gathering later in Montana. But ask me again tomorrow. (it just might change) ;)
*giggles* :) Stuffy is my RL nickname. Must be easier to type that dl_shipper34 eh? ;) Better name anyways.

Enjoyed Flack and Lindsay's interaction last night on 'What Schemes May Come', even if it was only for a few minutes. I love her explanation of the flower, whose name I know but can't spell it :lol:. It was really genuine.
Actually its just easier to copy and paste people's names for me anyway.

I can't spell half the names they use on CSI. But yeah having even just a little FM makes everything better. I really hope we get lots more this season. And it doesn't have to be major scenes either.

So today I feel the wedding should be in Montana. Ok I know it not the next day or anything but I told you I would probably seen it different on another day. I know crazy me. Can't help it. Of course to be really crazy I say they should have two wedding each one in their home state. Now that's crazy. ;)
dl_shipper34 said:
Enjoyed Flack and Lindsay's interaction last night on 'What Schemes May Come', even if it was only for a few minutes. I love her explanation of the flower, whose name I know but can't spell it :lol:. It was really genuine.

The damn Tagimoucia flower! I needed to know how to spell it for my fanfic and I drove myself nuts trying to find the spelling!

I know I've been a bad shipper. I hope everyone will for give me for that. And tell me that someone has heard if we will get anything for our two? I have stayed spoiler free so far but I just have to know if FM will be getting something. ;) Tell me good news people, please!