Flack/Monroe #2 - It's a Block Party Thing!

They are doing which would you see questions at one of the other threads so maybe we could do something similar since we can ask a million of them.

Would you rather see them accidently know each others feelings or would you rather them have help from friends to get them to say it to each other?
I would rather see them accidentally know each other's feelings, because it adds angst. I love angst. Especially drunk!angst.

Don: *is drunk*
Lindsay: *loves shirley temples*
Don: Ya know...Lindsay...you're not half bad. *insert kiss here*

Plus, I hate when people try and "help" in relationships. Since I'm really stubborn, I see it as interferring and I don't like it. I like to sort things out on my own, and in my own time.
I agree, I see it as interferring, even though a little bit of help is nice...but I'd like for them to stumble upon it themselves :D I agree, I want angst. 'poet {tear} we really are destined for each other!
I think I'm alittle bit of both. (surprise) I don't want the friends to help if it forces the two together but if they just let the two have more time together or both work something they both know the couple like. And sometimes expressioning your feelings drunk can start the process. I don't want it to be the only process that gets them together. (like drunk kissing is a nice way to start) ;)
i like drunk!angst too.

and i hate it when people interfere in your affairs. pisses me off to no end. i like things just to happen. i'm very if it happens, it happens. if it doesn't, it doesn't.

but i like the drunkness idea.
I hate spoilers and TPTB. Ugh. Damned DL.

I shall be writing fic today. I am listening to the fanmix, drinking iced tea, and I took a shower. I am no longer smelly!Jackie, but cleanandmotivated!Jackie. Wicked.
Here is a easy one. Would you rather them express their feelings at work (lab, crime scene or other) or Outside of work (at a bar, park, club)?
I could see Lindsay getting too close to a case (as in 'Stealing Home') and Flack being concerned, talking to her about it. He doesn't want her to end up like Aiden. So he tells her that he cares about her, doesn't want her to get hurt. Only it comes out in a way he hadn't intended, and now Lindsay knows, or is coming to know, how he feels.

That would happen at the lab. Then we have the post-case scenario, where Lindsay (being a stubborn country girl) would be all, "You were right, okay? Now go away." And Don would be all, "Marry me, pls."

But another scenario I've been toying with, is Flack and Lindsay totally butting heads on a case. He thinks one thing, she thinks another. They just clash. And it turns out Lindsay's right, and the perp nearly got away with it -- but she convinced Flack at the last second. So, at the end of the day, he buys her flowers.

Lindsay: What's all this?
Don: Nothing says "I'm sorry" like a hundred dollar bouquet, right?
Lindsay: Oh, Don. You didn't--
Don: Yeah. I did. You were right, and I was wrong. Had to do something to say I was sorry. Sullivan's in an hour, remember.
Danny: Nice flowers, Montana. Boyfriend?
Lindsay: Flack. He was saying sorry.
Danny: *snerk* He dated this girl once, for a year or so. He didn't once get her flowers.

(( and basically i love writing out these little dialog scenarios, k? because it's almost like fanfic and it gives me ideas.))
Glad to help my FM writers anyway I can. ;) I'm thinking of my answer to my own question. That and trying to think of other ones to ask. I really wanted to try and do it as mini-polls but I only got that to work once, now nothing.
i like the getting close to a case scenario. but i want flack to really get into a case and lindsay being there for him.

i want some flack-tastic episodes. we really haven't had a good one since the fall, and i really want one, and having lindsay work the case with him would really make me happy.
"The Fall" is basically one of my favorite episodes EVER of CSI: New York. I just love it so much.

I could see Flack getting into a case about a missing kid. Something really bad happened, there's blood everywhere. But he refuses to believe something happened to the kid. He's going all out to find out what went on.
a "Gum Drops"-esque episode? i would love that being flack-tastic. i could see him almost beating the crap out of the perp trying to find out where the kid is. and lindsay getting worried about him. but not exactly the way it was for nick and sara. it would be different.

but it would be cute. :D