Flack/Monroe #2 - It's a Block Party Thing!

I think if Aiden and Lindsay had meet they would have liked each other after the first time Lindsay said a smart-ass remark back to Danny. And I think Aiden would have tried to help get Flack and Lindsay together. ;)
Yes you do need to start writing some fics. Your audience is patiently waiting. (or at least trying)
...i don't know. i'm not a big aiden fan, so this is kind of a loaded gun question for me.

i think they would have liked each other. would they have been best friends and shared every little detail with each other, probably not. but they wouldn't have not gotten along.

as for getting lindsay together with flack, i think if aiden saw something there, she might try to push them in the right direction, but if she found out off the bat that flack was dating her...

i dunno.
Dangit, this is a bad shipper question, everyone knows I ship almost everything! yeah there is an almost there, Em But I do think Aiden would help push them in the right direction if she felt something was there and neither was acting on it. But like Em said, if she found out right off the bat, she might be a little angsty about it. Do I think they'd be friends? I'm going with Ems answer, they'd get along, but not share details of their lives.
I can see both Aiden and Lindsay being private people. Danny asked Aiden one time where she was going dressed up and she told him it was none of his business. If asked I don't think Lindsay would tell anyone expect Stella because she is like the mom of the group. And your mom always knows (maybe not always) when your lying.
I don't think Lindsay would have dated either Danny or Flack right off the bat. Doesn't seem her style. ;)
Welcome Kitten to the FM ship!

So is anyone writing anything new? I know I'm still waiting for a certain basketball fic from someone who will remain nameless. ;)
well...i happen to ship both but prefer flack/lindsay over danny/lindsay.

but i have a feeling a lot of the shippers here are going to tell you flack/lindsay is the way to go. but it's really up to you.

or you could just ship both.

and CSI_Watcher_8, i'm sure that fic will be posted as soon as she-who-must-not-be-named gets it to be to beta'd. *coughIHNCcough*
I ship both, along with DnA, and some flaiden. So I'm not one to talk. No I'm not telling you which one I like more :D

uh, fic? Who's writing a fic? *looks around* I don't see anyone... -gets whacked and glared at- Alright alright.
Yeah Kitten we ship more than one its ok in our books. Sometimes its what you see verus what you don't. Other times it depends on the mood. But if you read some of our posts you will see why we ship FM. We even know some really good fics to help you out if your undecided on shipping them at all. So give our ship a try and see if you like it. ;)
We promise we're a good ship, and sometimes me and CSI_Watcher_8 give the weirdest but yet funny caps to pictures :D