Flack/Lindsay #1- Shipping FM Radio

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We should discuss it further when the time comes, but I really like that title too. And hey, there will definitely be more threads so we can save "City Boy, Country Girl" for later. XD
I think I've read all of your fics! :blush: I have so many ideas for fics, but I never get the time to type them up. Which sucks. I love writing AU fics. They're my favorite.

With the season on break, I've found my self only being able to read FM Radio fics. Their my couple obsession. :D
I would write another FM fic if I could think of something.

Guh, wish I just had magical fanfiction fingers so they would just type what ever they wanted and it would be perfect.

I believe I've read all of your fic screamingpoet and reviewed. I would love to help not sure how to help. ;) I think we need a summer fic? I think roadrunner wrote the winter one.
When I think of summer, all I think of is smut and: omgsogood, clothes off right now, licking sweat drops away from necks, ice cubes, and Flack saying "Talk about a hot day."
Or I was thinking the AC is broke in the lab and Lindsay wears a tank top, fans herself. While Flack dies watching. :devil: love smut yummy
iheartnickcath said:
*psss* You wanna write mine for me??

hey! none of that! you do your own work...*mumbles something about sneaky writers*...


i did write the winter one. summer's harder. there's so many cute situations you can get them into in winter. i mean c'mon...christmas! but summer...summer not so much...

ooo! idea just flashed through head...i call cute summer fic! i call fluff!
omfg, CSI_Watcher_8, a wifebeater like Danny's. That would be effin' sexy on Lindsay. *snuggles teh cuteness*

Lindsay: *is fanning herself*
Flack: Do you have to do that? Shouldn't you be, you know, analyzing --
Lindsay: The AC is broken, Don, and the DNA takes a while to analyze. Shouldn't you be at the precinct? *pointed look*
Flack: Please?
Lindsay: Whatev.
Flack: Yes! Dinner at my place! Score.
Yeah a wifebeater like Danny's. I don't think she has ever worn the blue jumpsuit yet. And you know its easy access. And I have seen them wear a wifebeater and tie the arms around their waist. ;)
Lindsay has worn the blue suit. I think it was in Youngblood, maybe? I don't know what episode but she was looking for the gun.

And I call the ... no idea fic! Woo!
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