Prime Suspect
If the PTB ever think about giving Don a love interest again, I might kill someone. Do they not realize how stupid they are being. They better not replace her either, because then it will be a real waste. Seriously considering not watching the show if Angell is killed.
Thanks for the warm welcome though, I'm happy to be here. I usually don't ship couples (especially not D/L because I just don't really FEEL them.) But then I laid my eyes on F/A and they had me at 'did you just bust out your game on me'. And now this..... *looks for crying smilie, can't find it* I'm definitely still hoping though that all of this is untrue though. A fangirl can dream right??
Thanks for the warm welcome though, I'm happy to be here. I usually don't ship couples (especially not D/L because I just don't really FEEL them.) But then I laid my eyes on F/A and they had me at 'did you just bust out your game on me'. And now this..... *looks for crying smilie, can't find it* I'm definitely still hoping though that all of this is untrue though. A fangirl can dream right??