Flack/Angell #1 - This Is How Sexy Looks

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I agree that I want some of that flirty banter back.On CSI shows ,I am mainly interested in the case with an occasional personal moment.Angel and Flack did great in "Commuted sentences".Sexy, but not over the top.The chemistry is there so if the writers give them a good story they may become one of my favorites TV couples.I want more sreentime for Flack and Angell!
*laughs* karu, I just realized that there's a major continuity error in "Undercover". In the chapter where Angell get's shot, it's her left arm, but in every chapter after that it's her right. :lol:

I was re-reading the review of "Playing with Matches", and it reminded me of Danny's reaction to Don's... "girlfriend" in that episode with the James Bond-type thing (drawing a blank on the ep. title).

Could you imagine Danny's reaction when he found out Flack was dating Angell? I'm imagining hilarity times a thousand just from the initial facial expression. :lol:

Eh... I'm not entirely sure, electra. While I'd love for Angell to be in more episodes, and for there to be maybe a few more frequent F/A sceens, I don't want too much. Partially because of anti-shipper reaction, and partially because I don't want them to go so fast that the writers run out of ideas and either break them up or "forget" to have them in any scenes together.
Eh... I'm not entirely sure, electra. While I'd love for Angell to be in more episodes, and for there to be maybe a few more frequent F/A sceens, I don't want too much. Partially because of anti-shipper reaction, and partially because I don't want them to go so fast that the writers run out of ideas and either break them up or "forget" to have them in any scenes together.
That's what I worry about too. Especially since NY is still going strong. I've seen it happen on other shows. Two characters like each other and end up dating only to break up b/c the writers can't figure out how to have a lasting relationship on the show. I don't want that to happen w/Flack and Angell.
Sam! It was about to find an empty milk carton. Still looking for one for karu...

Yeah, I don't want F/A to go on that rollercoaster of chaos. Mostly because they shouldn't have to. They have enough chemistry and enough snark and enough not shippy ability to last them a while, as long as TPTB doesn't decide "Oh, the D/L drama is over! Now what do we do? Oh, wait! How lucky! We have another ship we can attach the lameness to!"

F/A has moved fast enough. Now we can just slow down to our calm, snarky, flirty ways. With maybe a kiss or two thrown in between. ;)
I'm here! I like the idea of more flirting. Those two have chemistry in spades and I want more scenes of them together. Just don't over do it TPTB. I just hope that they don't do with Flack and Jess what other cop shows have done. Two cops start dating and the guy can't handle his girlfriend being in danger and they end up breaking up. Flack has had no problems, in the past, with Jess doing things like chasing after suspects and I hope it stays that way.
Bad Chaos, no guns! *shoos away* :)lol:)

Hee, I control the F/A page on the one wetpaint, and it's amazing how much stuff I can pull from memory. It's pretty much everything. :lol: "Signs that you're too obsessed with a ship..." *laughs*

Probably no F/A interaction in 518 (sad), but:
I've been looking forward to this episode since the first spoilers about Angell speaking French came out. I already have the credit waiting in my iTunes for it. :D Hell, I don't even care if the episode is any good. As soon as I saw "That's the hottest thing I've ever heard", I was sold. :lol:

For the prospect of discussion: How do you think Angell will react to him saying this? (or something to that effect)

Oh, by the way: what is it with 7s and 13s?
4x07~ Commuted Sentences
4x13~ All in the Family
5x07~ Dead Inside
5x13~ Rush to Judgment
Also interesting: EV was in 3x07 and 3x13, although F/A shipperdom didn't exist then.

Another by the way: How bad is it that I noticed this? XD

no worries, kid. Actually the glock is pointed to MY taped mouth in case i slip. again. probably the reason too is that ever since they've become steady, these two had gone serious. Talk about being the 'adult' couple.

oh, aside from the 3's & 7's, also try to figure out why she also appears in 2 or 3 back-to-back episodes:

Season 4:
Playing With Matches
All In The Family
Happily Never After

Season 5:
Dead Inside, then skip to:
Rush to Judgement
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No way I want them to become the next D/L.I just want more banter and flirting.And Angell IMO is a way more interesting character then Lindsay so I definely want to see her more.It doesn't have to be with Flack.She is great with Stella and danny too.And she and Flack are perfectly capable of handling a case without making it look like an Episode of Grey.
Talk about being the 'adult' couple.
Which is pretty much the opposite of "less than professional", thank you very much, IAB guy. *laughs* I still have a grudge against that guy's wording. Seriously, how would he know how professional they are? (I know that he was saying that their relationship is personal, which is the actual opposite of professional, but still. He was being a jerk.)

oh, aside from the 3's & 7's, also try to figure out why she also appears in 2 or 3 back-to-back episodes

It's probably because episodes are filmed in relative order, so they make use of when Emmanuelle's around.
Talk about being the 'adult' couple.
Which is pretty much the opposite of "less than professional", thank you very much, IAB guy. *laughs* I still have a grudge against that guy's wording. Seriously, how would he know how professional they are? (I know that he was saying that their relationship is personal, which is the actual opposite of professional, but still. He was being a jerk.)

oh, aside from the 3's & 7's, also try to figure out why she also appears in 2 or 3 back-to-back episodes

It's probably because episodes are filmed in relative order, so they make use of when Emmanuelle's around.

2's & 3's, 7's and 13's. - heck, they're just coincidences, i guess. :wtf:

as for the IAB guy, he just found his match. he was a jerk to Angell, she was a jerk to him. serves him right!
The 7&13 thing is a pretty weird coincidence, you have to admit. *laughs* Great, now someone's birthday in my stories is going to have to be 7/13, just to throw in yet another reference to CSI. :lol:

Yeah, I appreciated Angell's shortness in that interview. Because it was pretty much true. He's IA. He should consider what is going on inside the precinct. Leave the hot alone, since they'll snark your ass back into a traffic cop uniform. *laughs*

I mean, I know that technically relationships between coworkers is the point of his job (CSI:M fans know what I'm referring to) but he didn't have to be a jerk about it.

IAB: Unlike your relationship with him, which I understand is less than professional.
ANGELL: Not only is that none of your business, but it has nothing to do with Todd Flemming's death.

Hee. I laugh every time.

Wait- did we ever discuss how IA knew about them?
we never did. and it was never written. besides, it would be a bit more lengthy if they showed flashbacks of IA's spying on them 24/7.

it's perfectly clear that those IA's are bored so they find some dirt and expose to the squad. i was hoping it did not reached Sinclair (lucky Flack, if ever). i also smelled sour grapes in these guys since Flack got Angell and they did not (c'mon, admit it guys. it was that green-eyed gazunga growing in you!)
IA guy had no good reason to be a jerk. Especially since, hello, Angell wasn't even in the fricken room when the kid died. Which is why I made this after the episode aired for the TWoP thread: http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c250/Half-Lighter/internalaffairs.jpg

Heh. Jealousy. I could imagine, but my reaction would probably have all sorts of "b@$t@&d" (*smirk*) comments, so that wouldn't be very nice. *laughs*

No F/A scenes from what I read, but Angell is in the episode.
Damn you, FireFox! I had such an intelligent post, but no, you had to crash. :scream:
I'm too lazy to retype what I said about "Point of No Return". It wasn't very interesting anyway.

I'm looking forward to good old-fashioned F/A flirting. We've been lacking for a while. Plus, we get an added bonus of French and Gaelic. I wonder if my friend could get out of a French lesson if she took a clip of French in. (I would try it if we get real French, except I take Latin.)

Oh, by the way. I totally call the avatar if they make the scene the way the spoilers were saying. I call the avatar with "DRIVE BY FLIRTING". It be mine. :guffaw:
IA guy had no good reason to be a jerk. Especially since, hello, Angell wasn't even in the fricken room when the kid died. Which is why I made this after the episode aired for the TWoP thread: http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c250/Half-Lighter/internalaffairs.jpg

Heh. Jealousy. I could imagine, but my reaction would probably have all sorts of "b@$t@&d" (*smirk*) comments, so that wouldn't be very nice. *laughs*

No F/A scenes from what I read, but Angell is in the episode.

dude, right in the face! ouch!
you made it so good, i just snagged it. this gave me an idea to post about it. sorry haven't dropped by to your fan fic follow-up thouh. still busy with work.

by the way, i've been pretty down lately. probably coz of the absence of their famed flirting. it's like missing my Heckle & Jeckle re-runs.

yo! you two! say something funny for once!:lol:
Is it Wednesday yet? I've been waiting for this episode for so long! :p
I'm looking forward to good old-fashioned F/A flirting. We've been lacking for a while. Plus, we get an added bonus of French and Gaelic. I wonder if my friend could get out of a French lesson if she took a clip of French in. (I would try it if we get real French, except I take Latin.)

Oh, by the way. I totally call the avatar if they make the scene the way the spoilers were saying. I call the avatar with "DRIVE BY FLIRTING". It be mine. :guffaw:

Haha drive by flirting. Hopefully Angell's wearing her vest *Ya know,for Flack* :lol: Im glad we're FINALLY getting more scenes with them together. But at least TPTB have been doing a good job with not over-doing it. We don't want F/A to be the next D/L. :rolleyes:
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