MakeTracksCowboy said:
i am so liking the fact that Flack is getting some love finally this season!!! TPTB could not have chosen a better person for him to hook up with than Angell. they are so hot together!! right from the moment they had that awesome scene in "Communted Sentences" i was a fan. the little firlty scene at the end of "All In The Family" was perfect.
So far they
haven't gotten together on the show. Their scene in AITF could be interpreted in a non-romantic way as well. I do really like the idea of them being
the canon ship if the show wants to have one, though.
i like the fact that TPTB didn't just bring a new girl in or just throw a girlfriend with Flack and have a kind of established character like Angell to hook him up with.
Um, they did do that. Remember Devon? As much potential as this pairing has, they haven't been "hooked up" as of yet.
hopefully we can get a little more of these two this year if the writer's strike ends in the next few days.
I certainly wouldn't mind them having more screen time together.
To me Angell is exactly the type of woman Flack would go for. She's smart, tough, funny and the fact that she's a cop and understands the life is a huge thing for Flack I think. Aside from her beauty, I think Flack really connected with her saying she comes from a family of cops and grew up with brothers.
And with Angell, I think she found Flack to be extremely adorable after she busted him for hitting on her in CS. Who wouldn't find his blushing and almost school boy nervousness adorable? And with her I think being with another cop is important too. I think a lot of men would be extremely intimidated by a woman like Angell, but she has enough shared experience with Flack for him to have respect for her toughness and dedication to her career.
As much as I don't care for canon ships on shows like the CSIs, I think it would be a shame for TPTB
not to go there with these two if they're going to keep sharing scenes. There's just too much easy sexual chemistry and too much of a foundation for a strong friendship between the two to pass up. Plus Angell is a recurring character so it wouldn't be too much.