Flack/Angell #1 - This Is How Sexy Looks

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I'd like to let you all know that I joined this site because I read all of your threads and am obsessed with F/A (In a non-gutter way. Okay, maybe somewhat.)

I'm going to back off of the calendar conversation (too gutter... =]) and say that:

1) I really like this ship. It's not canon [yet], but it's enough there to firmly say that TPTB aren't throwing it at us, but it's still there hiding under the mess that D/L has become. (*hides from D/L shippers*)
2) I agree. No lame shipname. Flack/Angell is fine. I abbreviate to F/A sometimes, like I did in the summary of my fanfict, but still- no crazy names.
3) Yes, they're both hot.
4) CS made me realize that Angell wasn't just some random cop, she was a character. I watched that episode, and literally freaked out every time there was an F/A scene in an episode after that. (All in the Family: Yay. DOA for a Day: Vest! Taxi: What is there to say?)
I'd love to see Flack's sister and Angell in a scene. Even if it wasn't about Flack, even though I have no idea who'll play her. That just sounds like it'll be fun. Oh, and I get all of my spoilers from spoilerfix.com and here, csifiles.

Completely Off-Topic: Why can't I use an avatar? Is it because I'm too new of a member?
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Welcome to the thread Tciddaisc! By the way, you need to be a Hit and Run in order to be able to post an avatar. I think that's fifty posts or so. Anyways, I agree with what you have to say about Jess. TPTB are really beginning to develop her as a character. I doubt they're gonna get rid of her anytime soon... I hope! *crosses fingers* By the way, do you have any ideas on the calender? I want to hear your thoughts on that.
OK you can count on me in this ship! I enjoyed their flirtation so much in Commuted Sentences and have been hoping to see some more of it in the upcoming episodes!

I am a little confused by the calender question though :lol: care to explain that one?
cool! another newbie in the rising cult of Donnie & Jessie *yaaaay!*
wait a sec...does it sound like Donnie & Marie (Osmond?)

anywho, a warm welcome to yah!

and thanks for droping by this thread. feel free about sharing your forecasts about these damn hoooooooooooooooottttt detectives, which is why they're called NYC's Finest? am i right peeps? (damn, i'm getting overboard again here)
personally, ever since Angell joined them in Season 3, and moved on working with Flack in S4, things had never been sooo sweet to watch CSI:NY.

as for the calendar thing again, i was stunned by the big gun & tie thing.
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Awesome! Welcome to the thread eveninstarz! I can't believe we're getting new fans in the TV dry season...

Oh, and to explain the calender question, I decided to come up with a new topic on the thread a couple of pages ago. Here's the full post...

I had a dream where Don was chosen as one of the guys to be featured in an annual NYPD's sexiest calender... and Jess was teasing him about it. However, the look on her face when she saw his photo made it all worth it. Anways, here's the topic of discussion...

A) What month should Don be?
B) What theme should his photo be? ie. what should he wear, what kind of background, how should he pose, what props, etc.
C) How should Jess be involved in the process?

So go wild with your suggestions... don't hold back! I want to hear what you've got to say...

Hope that explains it. By the way, does anyone have any other ideas on this subject?
Okay, fine, I'll answer.

A) July, duh. It's the hottest month of the year. (Oh, good lord, I'm turning into one of you!)
B) I honestly have no idea.
C) Angell? She'd be a calm observer, smirking through the entire process and enjoying every minute of it. *grins*

Ah, with each post I make I get more and more like those obsessive shippers...

Oh well. Not like I care. Or am denying it.
C) Angell? She'd be a calm observer, smirking through the entire process and enjoying every minute of it. *grins*

I can totally picture that! I'm thinking she'd give Don a hard time at the photoshoot, making comments and maybe giving a mock wolf-whistle when he steps out of wardrobe.

Ah, with each post I make I get more and more like those obsessive shippers...

Yes! We've snagged another one! And some of us aren't exactly obsessive... we're just appreciative and we tend have creative ideas that basically turn monstrous. I'm thinking you're the latter.
Yeah, "creative ideas that basically turn monstrous" fits me...

Why else would I shoot poor Angell in my fanfict in order to get some F/A stuff?

Answer: I am one of those evil, evil writers! Evil!

Oh, and, yes, Angell would totally mock him at that photoshoot.
see, guys. what did i tell yah? i thought only one thread about Emmanuelle Vaugier exists, until there's this thread for these two hot detectives. CSI:NY has never been this sweet to watch. and, yes, trust me, any writer can think of anything, just anything to make sparks fly, sizzle and burn between these two.

i got the chance to read some of the fan fic stories which are fun to read, for the reason that Don, in small steps, shows Jess how much he cares without messing with the Mr. Snarky that we all come to love, unlike, Danny, whose emotions ran over him like a truck when Rikki came to his life after Reuben died, at the same time drifting away from Lindsey, who showed loyalty to this poor guy *ducks eggs from D/L fans*, while poor Jess (is she? nah) slowly give in to his sweetness, again, without shedding the hard candy that she is. She's still tough, yeah, but you can see the sweet girl that she is inside.
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Why else would I shoot poor Angell in my fanfict in order to get some F/A stuff?

You did?! Having Jess shot in fanfiction is very ballsy... I like it though. Even though Jess is more than capable of taking care of herself, she's still human and she does get injured from time to time. Man, I've gotta start reading your fics! *rushes off*
Why else would I shoot poor Angell in my fanfict in order to get some F/A stuff?

You did?! Having Jess shot in fanfiction is very ballsy... I like it though. Even though Jess is more than capable of taking care of herself, she's still human and she does get injured from time to time. Man, I've gotta start reading your fics! *rushes off*

yeah...trust me. they're gooooooooooooooood. One of the fan fics showed Don's concern after Jess got shot, about not to take off the sling and stuff. Jess is ballsy, but she knows his superior takes care of her that much.
I just read one of her fics and it's awesome! You're a great writer Tciddaisc... I can't wait to read more.

Jess is ballsy, but she knows his superior takes care of her that much.

Damn right she's ballsy! I like the fact that she still shows concern and sympathy without having to compromise her tough edge... that kind of female character is pretty rare in TV.
I just read one of her fics and it's awesome! You're a great writer Tciddaisc... I can't wait to read more.

Jess is ballsy, but she knows his superior takes care of her that much.
Damn right she's ballsy! I like the fact that she still shows concern and sympathy without having to compromise her tough edge... that kind of female character is pretty rare in TV.

Thanks for the compliments! I try to do stuff that is fanfiction worthy but at the same time stays true to the characters.

Yeah, when I wrote the sling scene, I was, like, "How can I make Flack worried about her... but not worried about her?"

I'll make sure to update soon. ;)
Yeah, I can see where you might have had trouble with that... it's pretty tough figuring that kind of stuff out. But you're doing a great job... keep it up!

I'll make sure to update soon. ;)

Awesome... hope it's soon. I can't wait to read it.
Hi, everyone. I think these two would be great together! They always seem to be pretty flirty with each other. There was something Don said to her in one ep where they were standing outside in the dark behind a car or something... but I don't remember the ep nor do I remember what he said. It might have been the ep where they found that dead woman that looked like Suspect X.
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