Flack & Aiden #2 - Benzosothyazolonal Lovin'

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Sorry. :lol: I can't help it that some people don't get the episodes until later. :p

But still. I'm looking forward to it because perhaps, just perhaps, we'll get a glimpse of what is really going on off screen. :devil:
Ooooh, that makes me curious. ;)

Hmmm, when Flack gets injured, Aiden will definately stand by him. And when he's feeling better... :devil: ahem
:lol: Of course. She'd strip Flack down to make sure that he is well, fine and that he's perfectly healthy to have some love.

That will totally become a fic one day.
I'm already having fanfic ideas just thinking about that!

Lovely, lovely fanfic ideas.

Oh crap, I'm supposed to go to church later (students in my school have to go to church every first Friday of the month) and here I am thinking about Flack/Aiden porn! :lol:
Flack/Aiden porn is God's gift. Who needs Church when you have that? :devil:

I wish there was still some more fanfics out there. I miss these two so much. This was like, the first ship I really fell in love with.
*sigh* I know. I miss 'em too. The very first CSI:NY fanfic I read was a Flack/Aiden one. I think it the one where Aiden was on a date and she got called to a crime scene with Flack. Can't really remember the name. But it was an awesome story.

Sometimes, when I'm feeling low on my Flack/Aiden, I reread the older Flack/Aiden stories. I especially enjoy Flack/Aiden smut. ;)
Yeah, I think it was written by Carol. I was hoping for her to write perhaps another chapter but, I guess not. :lol:

Mmm. F/A smut. I tried to write that but I just ended it. :lol: Can not write it for the life of me.

Aw, me too. I can't really write well actually; I'm only good at fluffy fanfics.

Damn, my comp got fried so I lost all my Flack/Aiden stuff again.. :( I'm depressed. I'm at a cyber cafe right now, wasting my money.
Aw. :( I hope you get all your FA back because hello, we all need it.

I can write angst like woah. I can do fluff as well but I seem to be better at angst. :lol:
Hey guys! I've just joined the boards and I've wanted to drop by and say hi, to help to keep up this thread and to let you know you have a new member in the family - because Flack and Aiden are LOVE <3

English isn't my mothertongue so I can't write fanfiction (well, I could, but it would be crap, most likely :p), but if I ever do anything of a graphic nature (I mean icons and such, not smutty photomanips... I wish I could do something about that... hey, did I say that loud? :lol:), I promise I will post them here :)

I'm one of those people who are DEEPLY sorry that Aiden left the show *points at her username* I love her so much, and I would have loved to see something else going on between Flack and her :/
Yey! A new member! :D Welcome. Sorry I don't really have any FA goodies to hand over to you right now since I'm running kind of dry but welcome again. ;)

Hopefully with Aiden's small return (that's what the rumors are) we may get a small and slim chance of these two together.
Thanks, Jen. :D

Oooh, new Flack/Aiden shipper! Finally! Welcome to the boards! I think I may have some Flack/Aiden goodies around my Photobucket somewhere...


Sorry if its only one pic... the comp here in the cyber cafe sucks.
Hey you guys. I've just joined the boards. And This happened to be my first stop. I love Flack/Aiden. They'll always be 2gether no matter what.
Yayness! More Flack/Aiden shippers! Spread the Flack/Aiden love. They will take over the world.

I made something for you Flack/Aiden fans but it's at home in m comp and my Internet isn't working (I'm at a cyber cafe) so till then I guess you'll have to wait though.

Yes, Flack and Aiden will be togehter always.

Hmm, I need Flack/Aiden porn. :lol:
I need FA porn too. :lol:

I'm so happy more shippers are coming on board. :D It's awesome!

I'm really hoping with the spoilers that are coming up for season two, that we're going to get something out of these two because hello, totally need it.
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